Novel Collections

A Computerized Bibliography of the Afro American Novel, 1990.
Since the Project's founding in 1983, HBW's mission has been to identify texts that have been lost to history and advocate for their return, to promote the awareness of the works by African American authors, and to create opportunities for learning about and engaging them. Our collection currently holds over 1000 well-known and lesser-known novels by African American writers. This database displays our holdings by decade. Please note that this is a 1987 archival document and should not be used without further verification.
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- Brown, William Wells. "Clotel: or, the President’s Daughter: A Narrative of Slave Life in the United States." M. London, England: Partridge & Oakley, 1853. OCLC. 245.
PZ3. B8199 Cl.
- Webb, Frank 1. "The Garies And Their Friends." M. London, England: G. Routledge, 1857. NUC EM OCLC Fisk Thesis. 392
- Wilson, Harriet E. "Our Nig." F. Boston, MA: G. 0. Rand & Avery, 1859. OCLC EM. 140. ILL photocopy.
E185. 97.
- Gilmore, James Roberts. "Among the Pines; or, South in Secession Time." Admund Kirke New York, NY:
Carleton, 1862. OCLC. 310.
P51744.G68 AS 1862.
- Blackson, Lorenzo Dow. "Rise and Progress of the Kingdoms of Light and Darkness: or, The Reign OF The
Kings Alpha And Abadon." M. Philadelphia, PA: 1. Nicholas, 1867. OCLC. 288
PSi 102.B 18.
- Detter, Thomas. "Nellie Brown; Or, The Jealous Wife." M. San Francisc, CA: Cuddy & Hughes, Printer,
1871. OCLC. 118.
ILL Photocopy; title story with other sketches; l6Op.
- Howard, James. H. W. "Bond and Free: A True Tale of Slave Time." Howard, las H. W. Harrisbburg, Pa.:
E. K. Meyers, Printer, 1886. OCLC NUC Fisk Thesis. 280.
ILL cover copy.
P53515.0829 B6.
- Benjamin, R. C. 0. "The Defender of Obadiah Cuff." M. Cleveland, OH: Privately Printed, 1887. novel.
- Kelley, Emma Dunham. "Megda." Forget-Me-Not F. Boston, MA: James H. Earle, 1891. OCLC. 394. PZ3.K287 M.
- Young, James L. "Helen Duval." M. SanFrancisco, CA: The Bancroft Company, 1891. OCLC. 202. ILL Photocopy.
novel. - Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins. "lola Leroy; or, Shadows Up-Lifted. " F. Philadelphia, PA: Garrigues Bros.,
1892. OCLC. 282.
- Johnson, Amelia E. "The Hazeley Family." F. Philadelphia, PA: American Baptist Publishing Society,
- Stowers, Walter H. & Anderson William H. "Appointed: An American Novel." Sanda (Pseud. for both authors) M & M. Detroit, MI: Detroit Law Printing, 1894. OCLC. 371
- Andrews, W. T. "A Waif-- A Prince; Or, A Mother’s Triumph." M. Nashville, TN: Publishing House Methodist Episcopal Church South, 1895. OCLC. 344.
- Burgess, Marie Louise. "Ave Mafia, a Tale." F. Boston, MA: Press of the Monthly Rev., 1895. OCLC. 33 PS 15.
- Franklin, James Thomas. "Crimson Altars, or a Minister’s 5m" M. Memphis, TN: Great South Press,
ILL Photocopy.
P51714.F8 PZ3 F8557C.
- Jones, J. McHenry. "Hearts of Gold." M. Wheeling, WV: Daily Intelligencer Steam Jo, 1896. NUC OCLC.
ILL cover copy 1969 ed. by McGrath, reprinted from the copy at Fisk University.
PS 15.
- Dunbar, Paul Laurence. "The Uncalled." M. New York, NY: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1898. OCLC. 255. ILL cover copy.
PZ3.D9l1 U3.
- Kelley, Emma Dunham. "Four Girls at Cottage City." Emma D. Kelley-Hawkins F. Boston, MA: James H. Earle, 1898379
- Griggs, Sutton Elbert. "Imperium in Imperio." M. Cincinnati, OH: Editor Publishing Co., 1899. OCLC NUC. 265.
P5F54.0785 IS 1899 PZ3.G888.
- Steward, Theodophilus Gould. "A Charleston Love Story or Hortense Vancross." M. New York, NY: F.
Tennyson Neely, 1899. OCLC NUC BM. 245.
ILL Photocopy.
PS2919,S5397 C5X.
- Chesnutt, Charles Waddell. "House Behind the Cedars." M. Boston, MA: Houghton, Muffin and Company,
1900. OCLC NUC. 294.
ILL cover copy.
PZ3.C42S3 H.
- Dunbar, Paul Laurence. "The Love of Landry." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Dodd, Mead, 1900. OCLC. 200. PZ3.D911 L.
- Hopkins, Pauline E. "Contending Forces: A Romance Illustrative of Negro Life North And South." F.
Boston, MA: Colored Cooperative Publishing Company, 1900. OCLC. 402.
ILL cover copy.
PZ3.H777 Co.
- Chesnutt, Charles Waddell. "The Marrow of Tradition.". Boston, MA: Houghton Muffin, 1901. OCLC
NUC. 329.
ILL cover copy.
PS1292.C6 M3 1901 PZ8.C4253M.
- Dunbar, Paul Laurence. "The Fanatics.". New York, NY: Mead, Dodd and Co., 1901. OCLC. 312. PZ3.D911 F.
- Fulton, David B. "Hanover, or the Persecution of the Lowly." Thorne, Jack M. Philadelphia, PA: M.C.L. Hill, 1901. OCLC. 136.
PZ3.F9694l6 han2. novel.
- Griggs, Sutton Elbert. "Overshadowed.". Nashville, TN: Orion PUB. Co., 1901. OCLC NUC. 219. PS3S1S.R7154 08x.
- Dunbar, Paul Laurence. "The Sport of the Gods.". lsted. New York, NY: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1902.
OCLC. 255.
ILL cover copy.
PZ3.D911 Sp.
- Durham, John Stephens. "Diane, Priestess of Haiti. ". Philadephia, PA: Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine,
1902. OCLC. 79(v.69, p.387-466).
Ill cover copy.
E185.357x no 306.
- Fowler, Charles H. "Historical Romance of the American Negro. ". Baltimore, MD: Press of Thomas &
Evans, 1902. OCLC NUC BM. 269.
PS3511. 09 18.
- Griggs, Sutton Elbert. "Unfettered, a Novel.". Nashville, TN: Orion, 1902. OCLC NUC. 276. PS3513.R7154 US.
- Hopkins, Pauline E. "Of One Blood: Or, The Hidden Self."F. Series Colored American, 1902. novel.
- Pryor, George Langhorn. "Neither Bond Nor Free. ". New York, NY: 5. 5. Ogilvie Publishing Company,
1902. OCLC NUC BM. 239.
ILL photocopy.
PZ3.P957 N.
- Nash, Theodore Edward Delafayette. "Love And Vengeance or Little Viola’s Victory. ". Portsmouth, VA:
T. E. D. Nash, 1903. OCLC. 171.
ILL cover copy.
PZ3.N177 L.
- Johnson, Edward Augustus. "Light Ahead For The Negro.". New York, NY: Grafton Press, 1904. OCLC.
ILL Photocopy.
E185.6 J67.
- Johnson, Henry T. "Key To The Problem Or Tale Of A Sable City.". Philadelphia, PA: A.M.E. Book Concern, 190466
ILL Photocopy. novel.
- Chesnutt, Charles Waddell. "The Colonel’s Dream.". New York, NY: Doubleday, 1905. OCLC NUC. 294
ILL cover copy. PZ3.C4253 Cl.
- Griggs, Sutton Elbert. "The Hindered Hand or, The Reign of the Repressionist." M. Nashville, TN: Orion Publishing Company, 1905. OCLC NUC EM. 303.
PS3513.R7154 H5.
- ---. "Pointing the Way.". Nashville, TN: Orion Publishing Company, 1908. OCLC NUC. 233. P53513.R72 P6 1908 PZ3.0888 P.
- Grant, John Wesley. "Out of the Darkness: Or, Diabolism and Destiny.". Nashville, TN: Natl Baptist
Publishing Board, 1909. OCLC NUC. 316.
PZ3.G7658 0.
- Walker, Thomas Hamilton Beb. "Bebbly, or The Victorious Preacher.". Gainesville, Fla: Pepper Publishing and Printing Co., 1910. OCLC NUC EM Fisk-Thesis. 221 PZ3.W148B.
- Waring, RobertL. "As We See It.". Washington, DC: Press of C. F. Sudwarth, 1910. NUC BM OCLC.
ILL photocopy.
PS3545.A726 AS 1910.
- DuBois, W. F. B. "The Quest of the Silver Fleece.". Chicago, IL: A. C. McClurg &Co., 1911. OCLC
NUC. 434.
ILL cover copy.
PZ3.D8525 Q.
- Griggs, Sutton Elbert. "Wisdom’s Call.". Nashville, TN: Orion Pub. Co., 1911. OCLC. 193 E186.61.G85.
- Johnson, James Weldon. "The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man. " M. Boston, MA: Sherman, French &
Company, 1912. OCLC. 207.
ILL cover copy.
- Jones, Yorke. "The Climbers, A Story of Sunkissed Sweethearts." M. Chicago, IL: Glad Tidings Pub. Co.,
1912. OCLC. 191
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.J73 C.
- Walker, Thomas Hamilton Beb. "Revelation, Trial And Exile Of John In Epics." M. Gainesville, FL: Pepper Pub & Printing Co., 1912. OCLC.
- Micheaux, Oscar. "Conquest: The Story Of A Negro Pioneer." M. Lincoln, NB: The Woodruff Press, 1913.
OCLC. 311.
IlL photocopy.
- Ashby, William M. "Redder Blood." M. New York, NY: The Cosmopolitan Press, 1915. OCLC. 188.
813. 52.
- Gilmore, F. Grant. ""The Problem," A Military Novel." M. Rochester, NY: Press of Hemy Conolly, 1915.
ILL cover copy.
PZ3.G422 P.
- Micheaux, Oscar. "The Forged Note.". Lincoln, NB: Western Book Supply Company, 1915. OCLC. 541 ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.M5809 F PS3525.11875.
romance novel.
- Shackelford, Otis M. "Lillian Simmons; or, The Conflict of Sections.". Kansas City, MO: Burton Publishing Company, 1915. OCLC NUC EM. 210.
PZ33.S5228 L.
- Walker, Thomas Hamilton B. "J. Johnson; Or, "The Unknown Man"; An Answer to Mr. Thom. Dixon’s "Sins of the Fathers".". Dc Land, FL: E.O. Painter Printing Co., 1915. OCLC EM. 192 ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.W1482 J.
- Bruce, John Edward. "The Awakening of Hezekiah Jones.". Hopkinsville, KY: Phil H. Brown, 1916. OCLC. 62.
- Adams, Clayton. "Ethiopia, The Land of Promise." Holmes, Charles Henry M. New York, NY:
Cosmopolitan Press, 1917. OCLC. 129. PZ3.H7297 Et5 PS3S15.0434 8131.5/2.
- Downing, Henry F. "The American Calvaryman; A Liberian Romance.". New York, NY: Neale
Publishing Company, 1917. OCLC EM. 306
ILL cover copy.
PZ3.D7593 A, PR6007 092A7.
- Ellis, George Washington. "The Leopard’s Claw.". New York, NY: International Authors’ Association,
1917. OCLC NUC Fisk Thesis. 172.
ILL cover copy.
PZ3 .E473L.
- Micheaux, Oscar. "The Homesteader.". Sioux City, Iowa: Western Book Supply Co., 1917. OCLC. 533 ILL cover copy.
PS3525.123 H6x.
- Fleming, Sarah Lee Brown. "Hope’s Highway."F. New York, NY: Neale Pub. Co., 1918. OCLC. 155. ILL Photocopy.
P53511.1445 HG.
- Dreer, Herman. "The Immediate Jewel of His Soul; A Romance.". St. Louis, MO: St. Louis Argus Pub.
Co., 1919. OCLC SM. 317.
ILL cover copy.
PZ3.D813 I.
- Fullilove, Maggie. "Who Was Responsiblc?"F. Cincinnati, OH: Abingdon Press, 1919. OCLC BM. 181 PZ3.5536.
- Wright, Zara. "Black and White Tangled Threads."F. Chicago, IL: Barnard & Miller, 1920. OCLC EM. 340
ILL Photocopy the 1975 reprint. PZ3.W9386 El.
- Jordan, Moses. "The Meat Man, A Romance of Life, Of Love, Of Labor.". Chicago, IL: Judy Publishing Co., 1923. NUC. 96
ILL Photocopy. novel.
- Toomer, Jean. "Cane.". New York, NY: Boni and Liveright, 1923239. PZ3.T6184Ca.
- Dorsey, John T. "The Lion of Judah.". Chicago, IL: Fouche Co., 1924207. microfilm from L. of Congress.
- Fauset, Jessie Redmond. "There Is Confusion."F. New York, NY: Boni & Liveright, 1924. OCLC. 297. PZ3.F276 Th.
- Garnett, David. "Lady into Fox; A Man In The ZooM. Garden City, New York: Garden City Publishing Inc., 1924. Harvard. 97:119.
PR6013.A66 M3 1924.
- Jones, Joshua Henry Jr. "By Sanction Of Law.". Boston, MA: B. J. Brimmer Company, 1924. OCLC NUC. 366.
PZ3.J7194 By.
- White, Walter F. "The Fire In The Flint.". New York, NY: Alred A. Knopf, 1924. OCLC NUC Fisk Thesis. 300
PZ3.W5857 Fi.
- Garnett, David. "The Sailor’s Return.". New York, NY: A. A. Knopf, 1925. OCLC. 189. ILL cover copy.
PZ3.G1863 Se.
- Liscomb, Harry F. "The Prince of Washington Square.". New York, NY: Frederick A. Stokes Co., 1925.
OCLC. 180.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.L684 Pr.
- Brockett, Joshua Arthur. "Zipporah, The Maid of Midian.". Zion, II: Zion Printing and Publishing House,
1926. OCLC. 257
PZ3.B7834 Zi.
- Roberts, Walter A. "The Haunting Hand.". New York, NY: The Macauley Company, 1926. OCLC NUC.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.R5442 Ha.
- White, Walter F. "Flight.". New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1926. OCLC. 300 ILL photocopy.
PZ3.W5857 Fl.
- Garnett, David. "Go She Must!" M. Garden City, NY: Garden City Pub Co., 1927. OCLC. 246. PZ3.G1863 Go2.
- Anonymous. "Confessions Of A Negro Preacher." Opie Read Chicago: Canterbury Press, 1928297. PS3SOO.Al 814 C76.
- DuBois, W. E. B. "Dark Princess." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace and company, 1928. OCLC
NUC. 311.
ILL cover copy.
PS3507.V145 D3 1928.
- Durant, F. Elliott & Roach CuthbertM. "The Princess of Naragpur, or a Daughter of Allah." M & M. New
York, NY: Grafton Press, 1928. OCLC. 191
ILL Photocopy.
- Fauset, Jessie Redmond. "Plum Bun, A Novel Without a Moral." F. London, England: Mathew & Marrot Limited, 1928. OCLC Essence. 381
PZ3.F276 P1.
- Fisher, Rudolph. "The Walls of Jericho." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1928. OCLC. 307 PZ3.F5367 Wa.
- Larsen, Nella. "Quicksand."F. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1928. OCLC. 301 PZ3.L33 Qu.
- McKay, Claude. "Home To Harlem.". New York, NY: Harper & Brothers, 1928. OCLC. 340 ILL photocopy.
- Coleman, Albert Evander. "The Romantic Adventures of Rosy, The Octoroon; With Some Account of the Persecution of the Southern Negro During the Reconstruction Period." M. Boston, MA: Meador Publishing Co., 1929. OCLC NUC. 121.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.C677 Ro.
- Larsen, Nella. "Passing."F. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1929. OCLC. 215 PZ3.L33 Pas.
- McKay, Claude. "Banjo.". 1st ed. New York, NY: Harper, 1929. OCLC. 326. ILL cover copy.
PS3525 .A24785B3 3.
- Roberts, Walter A. "The Mind Reader.". New York, NY: The Macauley Company, 1929. OCLC NUC.
PZ3.R5442 Mi.
- Sanders, Tom. "Her Golden Hour.". Houston, TX: Privately Printed, 1929. OCLC NIJC. 167. ILL Photocopy.
- Huffman, Eugene H. ""Now I Am Civilized".". Los Angeles, CA: Wetzel Publishing Co., 1930. OCLC
NUC. 208.
ILL Photocopy.
PN6 161 .H837.
- Hughes, Langston. "Not Without Laughter.". New York, NY: Knopf, 1930. OCLC NUC. 324. PZ3.H87313 No P53515.11274 N6.
- Lubin, Gilbert. "The Promised Land." M. Boston, MA: Christopher Publishing House, 1930. OCLC. 59. ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.L9597 Pr PS3523.U35 P7.
- Paynter, John H. "Fugitives Of The Pearl." M. Washington, DC: Associated Publishers, 1930. OCLC NUC EM. 209.
PZ4.P2928 Fu.
- Bontemps, Arna Wendell. "God Sends Sunday. ". New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace, and Company, 1931. OCLC NUC. 199.
PZ3. B64442 Go.
- Fauset, Jessie Redmond. "The Chinaberry Tree."F. New York, NY: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1931.
OCLC. 341.
ILL cover copy.
P53511.A864 CS 1931x 8131.5/2.
- Henry, William S. "Out of Wedlock.". Boston, MA: R. G. Badger, 1931 220 ILL Photocopy.
- Imbert, Dennis F. "The Colored Gentlemen, A Product of Modern Civilization." M. 1st ed. New Orleans,
LA: William Printing Service, 1931. OCLC. 86.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.I313 Co 813 1mb.
- Roberts, Walter A. "Mayor Harding Of New York.". New York, NY: The Mohawk Press, 1931. OCLC BMNUC. 271.
P53509.N367 Mix PZ3.R54398 May. novel.
- ---. "The Moralist.". New York, NY: The Mohawk Press, 1931. OCLC NUC. 300. ILL photocopy.
PS3535.01793 M6 PZ3.R5442 Mo.
- Schuyler, George S. "Black No More." M. New York, NY: The Macauley Company, 1931. OCLC. 250. ILL cover copy.
PZ3.S3972 Dl 813.5 Sch89b3. novel.
- ---. "Slaves Today: A Story of Liberia." M. New York, NY: Brewer, Warren& Putnam, 1931. OCLC. 290. ILL cover copy.
PZ3.S3772 Sl.
- Waterman, Charles Elmer. "The White Fawn.". Boston, MA: Chapple Publishing Co., 1931. NUC BM.
genre by Graham. check.
PZ3.P948 Wh.
- Alexander, Truman H. "Loot.". Dallas, Tex: Southwest Press, 1932. OCLC ILL. 186. PZ3.A381 Lo.
- Cullen, Countee. "One Way To Heaven." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Harper, 1932. OCLC NUC. 280. PZ3.C89761 On PS3505.1J287 813/5/2.
- Daly, Victor. "Not Only War, A Story Of Two Great Conflicts.". Boston, MA: Christopher Publishing
House, 1932. OCLC. 106.
ILL cover copy.
PZ3.Dl79 No 813/.5/2.
- Fisher, Rudolph. "The Conjure Man Dies: A Mystery Tale of Dark Harlem.". New York, NY: Coviei–Friede, 1932. OCLCNUC. 316.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.F5367 Co.
- Roberts, Walter A. "The Strange Career of Bishop Sterling." Endicott, Stephen M. 1st ed. New York, NY:
The Meteor Press, 1932. OCLC. 298 PZ3.E5705 St.
- Thurman, Wallace. "Infants Of The Spring." M. New York, NY: The Macaulay Company, 1932. OCLC
NUt. 284.
ILL cover copy.
PZ3.T4258 In 817.425 R8.
- Thurman, Wallace and Furman Abraham L. white. "The Interne. " M. New York, NY: The Macaulay
Company, 1932. OCLC BM. 252.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.T4258 Int.
- Waterman, Charles Elmer. "Crib Queens." M. Boston, MA: The Chapple Pub. Co. Ltd., 1932. OCLC NUC BM. 198.
PZ3.W31 Car.
- Fauset, Jessie Redmond. "Comedy, American StyleR New York, NY: Frederick A. Stokes Company,
1933. OCLC. 327
ILL cover copy.
PZ3.F276 Co.
- Hill, John H. "Princess Malah." M. 1st ed. Washington, DC: Associated Publishers, 1933. OCLC NUC, 330 PZ3.H5521 Pr7.
- McKay, Claude. "Banana Bottom." M. lst ed. New York, NY: Harper, 1933. OCLC. 317. ILL cover copy.
PZ3.M1926 Ban. novel. - Miller, Ezekiel Harry. "The Protestant." M. Boston, MA: Christopher Publishing House, 1933122. ILL Photocopy.
novel. - Hurston, Zora Neale. "Jonah’s Gourd Vine" F. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1934. OCLC. 316. PZ3.H9457 Jo 813/5/2.
- Henderson, George Wylie. "Ollie Miss.". New York, NY: Frederick A. Stokes Co., 1935. AANP copy
OCLC. 276.
PZ3.H3845 01.
- Bontemps, Ama Wendell. "Black Thunder." M. New York, NY: Macmillan Company, 1936. OCLC. 298. PZ3.H64442 Bl 813.5 B6437b.
- Joseph, Arthur. "Dark Metropolis." M. Boston, MA: Meador Publishing Co., 1936. OCLC. 154. PZ3.J774 Dar.
- Shaw, O’Wendell. "Greater Need Below." M. Columbus, OH: Bi-monthly Negro Book Club, 1936. OCLC NUCBM. 161.
ILL photocopy. PZ3.S5364 Gr.
- Hurston, Zora Neale. "Their Eyes Were Watching God." F. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1937. OCLC.
PZ3.H9457 Th4 1937x. novel.
- Lee, George Washington. "River George." M. New York, NY: Macauley, 1937. OCLC. 275. PS3525.E37 R5 1937x.
- Turpin, Waters Edward. "These Low Grounds." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Harper & Brothers, 1937. OCLC BM NUC. 344.
- Bell, Ed. "Tommy Lee Feathers." M. New York, NY: Farrar & Rinehart, Incorporated, 1938. OCLC. 308. ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.B4121 To.
- Gilbert, Mercedes. "Aunt Sara’s Wooden God." F. Boston, MA: Christopher Publishing House, 1938. OCLC NUC. 271.
- Ross, George Hamlin. "Beyond The River." M. Boston, MA: Meador Publishing Co., 1938. OCLC NUC
BM. 307.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.R7346 Be.
- Attaway, William. "Let Me Breathe Thunder." M. New York, NY: Doubleday, Doran, 1939. OCLC NUC.
later published under the title TOUGH KID by Lion Books, 1955. PS23. A882 le.
- Bontemps, Ama Wendell. "Drums at Dusk.". New York, NY: Macmillan, 1939226 PZ3.B64376 Dr.
- Hurston, Zora Neale. "Moses, Man Of The Mountain." F. 1st ed. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1939. OCLC. 351.
PZ3.H9457 Mo.
- Pitts, Gertrude. "Tragedies Of Life." F. Newark, NJ: Privately Printed/Author, 1939. REMARC. 62 ILL Photocopy.
- Turpin, Waters Edward. "0 Canaan." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Doubleday, Doran and Co., 1939. OCLC
BM. 311.
ILL photocopy.
PS3.T867 0.
- Lee, John M. "Counter-Clockwise." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: A. Wendell Malliet Co., 1940. OCLC. 103 ILL cover copy.
PS3525.E3438 C6 PZ3.L5134 Co.
- Paynter, John Henry. "Fifty Years Afier." M. New York: Margent press, 1940244 PS3601.P3F5 1940.
- Wright, Richard. "Native Son.". 1st ed. New York, NY: Harper, 1940. OCLC. 359. PZ3.W9352 3 1940b.
- Attaway, William. "Blood On The Forge." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1941. OCLC NUC. 279.
PZ3. A882 Hi.
- Graham, Katheryn Campbell. "Under the Cottonwood: a Saga of Negro Life in Which the History,
Traditions and Folklore Are Vividly Portrayed." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Wendell Malliet & Co.,
1941. OCLC NUC. 262.
ILL Photocopy PS35 13.R25U5.
E185.93 14 G7 325.26 09760.
- Micheaux, Oscar. "The Wind From Nowhere." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Book Supply Co., 1941. OCLC.
PS3525.113 W5 813/5/4.
- Roberts, Walter A. "The Pomegranate." M. 1st ed. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1941. OCLC
NUCBM. 313.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.R5442 Pe.
- Jenkins, Deaderick Franklin. "It Was Not My World: A Story in Black and White That’s Different." M. Los
Angeles, CA: Published by the author, 1942. OCLC. 104.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.J4147 It.
- Nelson, Annie Greene. "After The Storm."F. Columbia, SC: Hampton Publishing Company, 1942. BM OCLC. 131.
PZ3.N329 Al.
- Powell, Adam Clayton Sr. "Picketing Hell." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Wendell Malliet And Co., 1942.
ILL Photocopy.
BX6452 P68.
fictitious narative.
- Gholson, Edward. "From Jerusalem to Jericho." M. Boston, MA: Chapman & Grimes, 1943. OCLC. 122. ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.G345 Fr.
- Lucas, Curtis. "Flour Is Dusty." M. Philadelphia, PA: Dorrance, 1943. OCLC. 166. ILL Photocopy.
- Offord, Carl. "The White Face." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Robert McBride And Co., 1943. OCLC BM. 317
ILL cover copy. PS3529.F4 W5 PZ3.0325 Wh.
- Sanford, John B. "The People From Heaven." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace & Comp., 1943,
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.S2245 Pe.
- Williams, Chancellor. "The Raven." M. Philadelphia, PA: Dorrance, 1943.
OCLC. 562 PZ3.W67 134 Ray.
- Burnham, Frederick Russell. "Taking Chances." M. Los Angeles, CA: Haynes, 1944. NUC OCLC. 293 edited and arranged by Mary Nixon Everett.
- Micheaux, Oscar. "The Case of Mrs. Wingate." M. New York, NY: Book Supply Co., 1944. OCLC. 518. PS3525.11875 C37 1944x.
- Nelson, Annie Greene. "The Dawn Appears." F. Columbia, SC: Hampton Publishing Co., 1944. OCLC BM NUC. 135.
PZ3.N329 Daw. novel.
- Roberts, Walter A. "The Royal Street." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Hobbs-Merrill Company, 1944. OCLC NUC HM. 324.
P53533.0179 R6.
- Caldwell, Lewis A. H. "The Policy King." Noel, Abe M. Chicago, IL: New Vistas Pub. House, 1945. OCLC
NUC. 303.
ILL Photocopy.
PS3505.A325 P76 1945.
- Himes, Chester B. "If He Hollers Let Him Go." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran & Company,
Inc., 1945. OCLC NUC. 249.
ILL cover copy.
PS3515.1713 13 PZ3.H57 II’.
- Wood, Odella Phelps. "High Ground." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1945. OCLC NUC EM.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.W85225 Hi.
- Gross, Werter Livingston. "The Golden Recovery." M. Hollywood, CA: Murry & Gee, 1946. OCLC NUC.
ILL Photocopy.
PZS.G9 135 Go.
- Henderson, George Wylie. "Jule." M. New York, NY: Creative Age Press, Inc., 1946. OCLC NUC. 234 PZ3.H3845 Ju.
- Lucas, Curtis. "Third Ward Newark." M. Chicago, IL: Ziff Davis Publishing Company, 1946. OCLC. 238.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.L9614 Th.
- Micheaux, Oscar. "The Story Of Dorothy Stanfield. " M. New York, NY: Book Supply Company, 1946.
OCLC. 416.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.M5809 St.
- Petty, Ann Lane. "The Street." F. Boston, MA: Houghton Miffin, 1946. BW. 435. PZ3.P44904St.
- Roberts, Walter A. "Brave Mardi Gras: A New Orleans Novel of the ‘60s." M. 1st ed. Indianapolis, In:
Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1946. OCLC NUC. 318.
ILL Photocopy.
PS3535.01793 B7 1946 PZ3.R5.442Hr.
- Yerby, Frank. "The Foxes of Harrow." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1946. OCLC NUC. 408. PZ3.Y415 Fo.
pop fiction.
- Ellison, Ralph. "Invisible Man." M. New York, NY: Random House, 1947439. novel.
- Himes, Chester B. "Lonely Crusader." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. OCLC NUC. 398. PZ3.H57 Lo FA H572X.
pop fiction.
- Jenkins, Deaderick Franldin. "Letters To My Son." M. Los Angeles, CA: The Deaderick F. Jenkins
Publishing Company, Publisher, 1947. OCLC. 111
ILL Photocopy.
PS3519.E53 L4.
- Micheaux, Oscar. "The Masquerade, An Historical Novel." M. New York, NY: Book Supply Co., 1947. OCLC. 401.
PZ3.M5809 Mas. novel.
- Motley, Willard. "Knock On Any Door." M. New York, NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1947. OCLC. 503. ILL Photocopy.
PS3563.O888 K55 1947.
- Petty, Ann Lane. "Country Place." F. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifllin, 1947. OCLC NUC PM. 266. ILL cover copy.
PZ3.P44904 Co.
- Rasmussen, E. Michael. "The First Night." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Wendell Malliet Co., 1947. OCLC
EM. 278.
ILL Photocopy.
PS3535.A785 ES.
- Will, Thomas. "God Is For White Folks." William Smith M. New York, NY: Creative Age Press, 1947.
OCLC. 305.
ILL cover copy.
PZ3.T2677 Go.
- Yerby, Frank. "The Vixens.". New York, NY: Dial Press, 1947. BW. 347. pop fiction.
- Young, Isador S. "Jadie Greenway." M. New York, NY: Crown Publishing Comapny, 1947. OCLC. 250. ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.Y8625 Jad. novel.
- Hurston, ZoraNeale. "Seraph On The Sewanee." F. New York, NY: Scribners, 1948. OCLC. 311 PS3515.U79 S4 1948.
- Roberts, Walter A. "Creole Dusk, A New Orleans Novel of the ‘SOs." M. 1st ed. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs–Merrill Company, 1948. OCLC NUC. 325.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.R5442 Cr.
- Smith, William Gardner. "Last Of The Conquerors." M. New York, NY: Earrar, Strauss, 1948. OCLC. 262.
PZ3.56638 Las. novel.
- West, Dorothy. "The Living Is Easy." F. Boston, MA: Houghton Miflhin, 1948. OCLC NUC EM. 347. ILL cover copy.
PZ3.W517 Li.
- Yerby, Frank. "The Golden Hawk." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1948. BW. 346 PZ3.Y415Go.
pop fiction.
- Harris, M. Virginia. "Weddin’ Trinunin’s." F. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1949. OCLC. 233 ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.H24293 We.
- Hunter, Hermann L. "The Miracles of the Red Altar Cloth." M. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1949.
OCLC. 213.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.H9 173 Mi.
- Jarrette, Alfred Q. "Beneath The Sky: A Novel Of Love And Murder Among The Poor Whites And Negroes
Of The Deep South." M. New York, NY: Weinberg Book Supply, 1949. OCLC. 151
ILL Photocopy.
813.5 J3771b.
- Roberts, Walter A. "The Single Star, A Novel Of Cuba In the ‘90s." M. 1st ed. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs–Merrill Company, 1949. OCLC NUC BM. 378.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.R5442 Si.
- Savoy, Willard W. "Alien Land." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: E. P. Dutton, 1949. OCLC NUC BM. 320. ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.S2695 Ai.
novel. - Yerby, Frank. "Pride’s Castle." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1949 382 ILL cover copy.
pop fiction. - Demby, William. "Beetlecreek." M. New York, NY: Rinehart, 1950. OCLC. 223. PS3507.E5346 B4.
- Kaye, Phillip B. "Taflt, a Novel." Adams, Alger F. New York, NY: Crown Pulishers, 1950. OCLC. 258. ILL Photocopy.
PS3551.D23 T3.
- Redding, 1. Saunders. ‘Stranger And Alone." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace, 1950. OCLC NUC
BM. 308.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.R246533 St.
- Smith, William Gardner. "Anger At Innocence." M. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus, 1950. OCLC NUC. 300
ILL Photocopy.
PS3537.M8685 A82 1950 PZ3.S6638 An.
- Yerby, Frank. "Floodtide." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1950. OCLC NIJC. 342. PZ3.Y415 Fl.
pop fiction.
- Bridgeforth, Med. "God’s Law and Man’s(1927) Reprint As Another Chance." M. New York, NY:
Exposition Press, 1951. OCLC. 145
ILL Photocopy.
PS35023.R5248 AS.
- Brown, Lloyd L. "Iron City." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Masses & Mainstream, 1951. OCLC NUC. 255 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4 B879 Ir 816.54 B878.
- Dodson, Owen. "Boy at the Window." M. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus & Young, 1951. OCLC NUC. 212, ILL photocopy.
- ---, "When Tree Were Green." M. New York, NY: Popular Library, 1951143 Originally published under the title: BOY AT THE WINDOW. PZ4.D65 B2.
- Finch, Amanda. "Back Trail: A Novella of Love in The South. " F. New York, NY: William-Frederick Library, 1951. OCLC. 44.
ILL Photocopy. novella.
- Morris, Earl J. "The Cop." M. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1951. OCLC. 126. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.M877 Co.
- Motley, Willard. "We Fished All Night." M. New York, NY: Appleton, Century, Crofts, 1951. OCLC BM.
ILL photocopy.
PZ3.M8573 We PS3563.0888 8131.5/4.
- Offord, Carl. "The Naked Fear." M. New York, NY: Ace Books, 1951. OCLC EM. 160. ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.0325 Nak.
- Rosebrough, Sadie Mae. "Wasted Travail." F. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1951. OCLC NIJC EM. 90. ILL cover copy.
PZ4.R798 Was.
novel. - Turner, Allen Pelzer. "Oaks Of Eden." M. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1951. OCLC NUC BM. 135, ILL Photocopy.
P53570.1165 03.
- Yerby, Frank. "A Woman Called Fancy." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1951309. ILL cover copy.
pop fiction.
- Arnold, Ethel Nishua. "She Knew No Evil." F. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1952. OCLC NUC. 76. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4. ShA735.
- Brown, Eugene. "Trespass." Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1952. OCLC. 192.
- Dickens, Dorothy L. "Black On The Rainbow." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Pageant Press, 1952. OCLC. 254. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.D54 BI.
- limes, Chester B. "Cast The First Stone." M. New York, NY: Coward-McCann, 1952. OCLC. 346. ILL cover copy.
PZ3.H57 Cas. novel.
- Joseph, Arthur. "Volcano In Our Midst." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Pageant Press, 1952. OCLC. 210. ILL Photocopy.
PS3519.O7l24 V64.
- Lucas, Curtis. "So Low, So Lonely." M. New York, NY: Lion Books, 1952. OCLC. 158. ILL Photocopy.
PS3525.U235 S63 1952a.
- Roach, Thomas E. "Samson." M. Boston, MA: Meador Publishing Co., 1952. OCLC BM. 239. PZ4.R628 sam PS3568.O33 S3.
- Williams, Chancellor. "Have You Been To The River." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1952. OCLC. 256.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.W67 143 Hay.
- Yerby, Frank. "The Saracen Blade." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1952310 ILL Photocopy.
pop fiction.
- Baldwin, James. "Go Tell It On The Mountain." M. 1st ed. PZ4.B18 Go PS3503.A5527.
New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1953303
- Brooks, Gwendolyn. "Maud Martha." F. 1st ed. New York, ILL Photocopy.
NY: Harper & Brothers, 1953. OCLC. 180
PS3503.R7 164 M3.
- Fisher, William. "The Waiters." M. 1st ed. Cleveland, OH: World Pub. Co., 1953. OCLC. 295 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.F537 Wai. novel.
- Hough, Florenz H. "Black Paradise." F. Philadelphia, PA: Dorrance, 1953. OCLC. 236. ILL Photocopy.
PS3558.O84 B55.
- Kennedy, Mark. "The Pecking Order." M. New York, NY: Appleton-Century-Crafts, 1953. OCLC. 278. PZ4.K354 Pe.
- Lucas, Curtis. "Angel." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Lion Books, 1953. NUC EM OCLC. 160. ILL Photocopy.
P53 523 .L9626a.
- ---. "Forbidden Fruit." M. New York, NY: Universal, 1953. OCLC NUC. 190. ILL Photocopy.
813.L9622f novel.
- Petry, Ann Lane. "The Narrows." F. Boston, MA: Houghton Muffin, 1953. OCLC NUC. 428. ILL cover copy.
PZ3.P44904 Na.
- Scott, Anne. "Case 999, A Christmas Story." F. Boston, MA: Meador Publishing Co., 1953. OCLC NUC EM. 27.
PZ3.S45352 Cas 813.5co831c. novel.
- Wamble, Thelma. "All In The Family." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: New Voices, 1953. OCLC NUC EM. 199. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.W243 Al.
- Ward, Thomas Playfair. "The Right to Live." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Pageant Press, 1953. OCLC NUC.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ7.W216 RI.
- Wright, Richard. "The Outsider." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Harper, 1953. OCLC. 405 PZ3.W9352 Ou.
- Yerby, Frank. "The Devil’s Laughter." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1953. OCLC NUC. 376. PZ3.Y415 De PS3547.E65.
pop fiction.
- Buster, Greene B. "Brighter Sun; An Historical Account of the Struggles of a Man to Free Himself From Human Bondage." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Pageant Press, 1954. OCLC. 282
genre by Graham.
P24.B982 Br 326.92 B982h.
- Chantrelle, Seginald. "Not Without Dust." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1954123 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.C459 No.
- Coito, D. R. Jr. "Hard Ground." M. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1954. OCLC NUC. 99. ILL Photocopy.
P24.C792 Har. novel.
- Crump, George Peter Sr. "From Bondage They Came." M. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1954. OCLC
NUC. 213.
ILL photocopy.
PZ4.C955 Fr.
- Diggs, Arthur. "Black Woinan." M. 1ST ed. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1954. OCLC. 43 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4. D573B1.
- Himes, Chester B. "The Third Generation." M. 1st ed. Cleveland, OH: World Pub. Co., 1954. OCLC NUC,
ILL cover copy.
PZ3.H57 Th.
pop fiction.
- Hunter, Evan. "Blackboard Jungle." New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1954. OCLC. 309. PZ4.H945 El 813/.5/4.
- Jones, William H. "The Triangle’s End, A Novelette." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Exposituon Press, 1954. OCLC. 79.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.J8 Tr. novel.
- Jordan, Elsie. "Strange Sinner." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Pageant Press, 1954. OCLC. 172. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.J818 St.
- Killens, John Oliver. "Youngblood." M. New York, NY: Dial Ness, 1954. OCLC. 566. PZ4.K48 Yo.
- Smith, William Gardner. "South Street." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Farrar, 1954312 ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.S6638 So.
- Smythwick, Charles A. Jr. "False Mcasure." M. New York, NY: William-Frederick, 1954. OCLC NUC BM.
PZ4.S666 Fal. novel.
- Spence, Tomas H. "Martin Larwin." lst ed. New York, NY: Pageant Press, 1954. OCLC EM. 137. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.5744 Mar. novel.
- Tarter, Charles. "Family Of Destiny." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Pageant Press, 1954. OCLC NUC BM. 277
ILL Photocopy. PZ4.T194 Fain. novel.
- Wallace, Elizabeth West. "Scandal At Daybreak." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Pageant Press, 1954, OCLC
NUC BM. 167.
ILL Photocopy.
PS3545.A53 53x PZ4.W187 Sc.
- Ward, Thomas Playfair. "The Clutches of Curcumstances." M. lsted. New York, NY: Pageant Press, 1954.
ILL Photocopy.
PS3545.A7368 C584x.
- Wiggins, Walter Jr. "Dreams In Reality Of The Undersea Craft." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Pageant Press,
1954. OCLC. 206.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ7.W6387 Dr.
semifictional biography.
- Wright, Richard. "Savage Holiday." M. New York, NY: Avon Publications, 1954. OCLC. 220. PZ3.W9352 Say.
- Yerby, Frank. "Benton’s Row." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1954. OCLC NUC. 346. ILL Photocopy 3rd ed.
PZ3.Y415 Be.
pop fiction.
- ---. "Bride of Liberty." M. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1954. OCLC NUC. 219. PZ7.Y48 Er.
pop fiction.
- Brown, Theodore. "The Band Will Not Play Dixie." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1955.
OCLC. 151.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4. B8818 Ban.
- Himes, Chester B. "The Primitive." M. New York, NY: New American Library, 1955. OCLC NUC. 151 PZ3.H57 Pr.
- Humphrey, Lillie Muse. "Aggie." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1955. OCLC NUC. 112. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.H926 Ag.
- Lucas, Curtis. "Lila." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Lion Books, 1955. NUC OCLC. 190. ILL Photocopy.
P53525.U235 Li.
- Ward, Thomas Playfair. "The Truth That Makes Men Free." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Pageant Press, 1955.
OCLC NUC. 154.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ7.W256 Tr.
- Yerby, Frank. "The Treasure of Pleasant Valley." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1955. BW. 348. PZ3.Y415Tr.
pop fiction.
- Baldwin, James. "Giovanni’s Room." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1956. OCLC. 248. PZ4.B18 Gi.
- Beechwood, Mary. "Memphis Jackson’s Sons." F. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1956. OCLC 267. PZ4.B413 Me.
- Carrere, Mentis. "Man In The Cane." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1956. OCLC NUC. 160. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.C315 MAN.
- Daniels, Lucy. "Caleb, My Son." F. New York, NY: Lippincott, 1956 125. PZ4.D188CaI.
- Harris, Elbert L. "The Athenian." M. Daytona Beach, FL: College Publishing Comp., 1956. OCLC. 180. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.H3l35 At.
- Sydnor, W. Leon. "Veronica." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1956. OCLC. 207. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.S982 Ve 813.5 5982 V.
- Vanderpuije, Nii Akrampahene. "The Counterfeit Corpse.". New York, NY: Comet Press, 1956. OCLC
NUC EM. 138.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4,V239 Co.
- Warner, Samuel Jonathan. "Madam President Elect." M. lsted. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1956.
OCLC EM. 249.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.W284 Mad.
- Woods, William B. "Lancaster Triple Thousand.". 1st ed. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1956. OCLC NUC EM. 77.
PZ4.W898 Lam. novel.
- Yerby, Frank. "Captain Rebel.". New York, NY: Dial Press, 1956. OCLC NUC. 343 ILL Photocopy.
PS3547.E65 C20.
pop fiction.
- Bosworth, William. "The Long Search.". 1st ed. Gt Barrington, MA: Advance Pub. Co., 1957. OCLC.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.B7475 Lo.
- Branch, Edward. "The High Places.". 1st ed. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1957. OCLC. 114. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.B8157 Hi.
- DuBois, W. E. B. "The Ordeal of Mansart." M. New York, NY: Mainstream Publishers, 1957. OCLC NUC.
The Black Flame, A Trilogy, Book 1; ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.D8525 Or.
- Himes, Chester B. "For Love Of Imabelle." M. lsted. Greenwich, CT: Fawcett, 1957. OCLC NUC. 157. ILL cover copy. Later published under the title A RAGE IN HARLEM.
ePS3515.1713 F6.
- Jackson, W. Warner. "The Birth of the Martyr’s Ghost." M. New York, NY: Comet Press, 1957. OCLC. 167
ILL Photocopy PS3519.A396B55. PZ4.J137 Bi.
- Mayfield, Julian. "The Hit." M. New York, NY: Vanguard Press, 1957. OCLC. 212 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.M47 Hi. novel.
- Montague, W. Reginald. "Ole Man Mose.". New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1957. NUC EM OCLC.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4 M76 01
- Shaw, Letty M "Angel Mink." F. New York, NY: Comet, 1957138. ILL Photocopy.
- Simmons, Herbert Alfred. "Cornerboy." M. 1st ed. Boston, MA: Houghton Muffin, 1957. OCLC NUC BM.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.S593 Co.
- Smith, Joe. "Dagmar Of Green Hills." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Pageant Press, 1957124. ILL Photocopy.
- Turpin, Waters Edward. "The Rootless." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1957. OCLC. 340. ILL Photocopy.
PS3539.U875 R6 1957a.
- Yerby, Frank. "Fairoaks." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1957. OCLC NUC. 405 ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.Y415 Fai. pop fiction.
- Dubois, W. E. B. "The Black Flame; A Trilogy." M. New York, NY: Mainstream Publishers, 1957-1961.
P53705.U143 B53.
- Austin, Edmund 0. "The Black Challenge." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1958. OCLC. 230. ILL Photocopy.
P53551.U9 B5.
- Bellinger, Claudia. "Wolf Kitty." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1958. OCLC. 173 ILL Photocopy.
PS3505.G4466 W6.
- Coolidge, Fay Liddle. "Black Is White." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1958. OCLC NUC. 157 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.C7743 El.
- Dreer, Herman. "The Tie That Binds; A Novel of a Youth Who Seeks to Understand Life." M. Boston, MA:
Meador Publishing Co., 1958. OCLC NUC. 374. ILL Photocopy.
PZ3. D813 Ti, novel.
- Gibson, Richard. "A Mirror for Magistrates." M. London, England: A. Blond, 1958. OCLC. 172. ILL Photocopy.
PS3515.1279 MS.
- Hodges, George W. "Swamp Angel." M. New York, NY: New Voices Pub. Co., 1958. OCLC NUC. 128. PS3515.0228 59 PZ4.H681 SW.
- Lacy, Ed. "Shakedown for Murder." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Avon, 1958159 PS3523.A238 A45.
- Lipscomb, Ken. "Duke Casanova." M. New York, NY: Exposition, 1958. PS508.1 .L668d.
- Mayfield, Julian. "The Long Night.". New York, NY: Vanguard Press, ILL Photocopy.
P53563.A868 L6 1958.
1958. OCLC. 156.
- Motley, Willard. "Let No Man Write My Epitaph." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Random House, 1958. OCLC.
ILL photocopy.
PS3563.0888 PZ3.M8573 Le.
- Pretto, Clarita C. "The Life of Autumn Holliday." F. lsted. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1958. OCLC EM NIJC. 95.
PZ4.P9420 Li.
- Screen, Robert Martin. "We Can’t Run Away From Here." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1958.
ILL Photocopy.
813. Scr2w.
- Wells, Jack Calvert. "Out Of The Deep." M. Boston, MA: Christopher Publishing House, 1958. OCLC EM.
PZ4.W455 Ou.
- Williams, Jerome Ardell. "The Tin Box, A Story Of Texas Cattle And Oil." M. 1st at. New York, NY:
Vantage Press, 1958. OCLC. 275
ILL Photocopy.
P53573.144937 T5.
- Wright, Richard. "The Long Dream." M. Garden City, NY: Ace Publishing Corp., 1958. OCLC. 351 PZ3.W9352 Lo2.
- Yerby, Frank. "The Serpent and the Staff." M. New York, NY: Dial Ness, 1958 377 ILL Photocopy.
pop fiction.
- Beaumont, Charles. "The Intruder." M. New York: Putman’s Sons, 1959. NUC. 320 PZ4.B379 In.
- Brown, Frank London. "Trumbull Park." M. Chicago, IL: Henry Regnery, 1959. OCLC. 432. P53552.R687 T8 1959.
- Burke, Lily. "Search for Accord." F. New York, NY: Comet Press, 1959. OCLC NUC. 277 ILL Photocopy.
PS3505.U7 54 1959.
- Cook, Douglas. "Choker’s Son." M. New York, NY: Comet Press, 1959. OCLC NUC. 31 PS3553.O5533 C45.
- Davis, Joesph A. "Black Bondage: A Novel OfA Doomed Negro In Today’s South." M. 1st ed. New York,
NY: Exposition Press, 1959. OCLC. 175
ILL Photocopy.
PS173.N4 G532.
- DuBois, W. E. B. "Mansart Builds A School." M. New York, NY: Mainstream Publishers, 1959. OCLC
NUC. 367.
The black Flame, A Trilogy, Book 2; ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.D8525 Man.
- Graham, Benzell. "That Big Broozer." M. New York, NY: W. Morrow and Company, 1959. OCLC NUC. 80
PZ1O.3 0728 Th.
- Harris, LeonR. "Run, Zebra, Run: A Story of American Race Confiict." M. 1st ed. New York, NY:
Exposition Press, 1959. OCLC. 260.
ILL Photocopy.
P53515.A667 R8.
- Himes, Chester B. "The Crazy Kill." M. 1st at. New York, NY: Avon Book Division, Hearst Corp., 1959.
ILL cover copy.
PS3515.1713 C7.
- ---. "The Real Cool Killers." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Avon Books, 1959. NUC OCLC. 160 ILL cover copy.
PS3515.1713 R4.
pop fiction.
- Hooks, Nathaniel. "Town On Trial: A Novel Of Racial Violence In A Southern Town." M. 1st ed. New
York, NY: Exposition Press, 1959. OCLC NUC. 165.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.H783 To.
- Jones, Carter Brooke. "The White Band." New York, NY: Funk & Wagnalls, 1959. OCLC. 334. ILL Photcopy.
PZ4.J7483 Wh.
- Lee, James F. "The Victims." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1959 190 ILL Photocopy.
- Marshall, Paule. "Brown Girl, Brownstones." F. New York, NY: Random House, 1959. BM OCLC. 310. ILL cover copy.
PZ4.M369 Br.
- Pollard, Freeman. "Seeds Of Turmoil." M. 1st at. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1959. OCLC BM. 264. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.P774 Sw.
- Potter, Valaida. "Sunrise Over Alabama." F. New York, NY: Comet Press, 1959. OCLO. 70. ILL Photocopy.
- Puckett, 0. Henderson. "One More Tomorrow.". 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1959. OCLC
NUt BM. 288.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.P9757 On.
- Vaught,
Estella. "Vengeance Is Mine."F. New York, NY: Comet Press, 1959. OCLC NUC BM. 62. PS3543.A95 V4 1959.
- West, John B. "An Eye For An Eye." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: New American Library, 1959. OCLC NUC.
ILL cover copy. novel.
- White, E. H. "Our Homeward Way." Lydia Watson F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1959. OCLC NUC BM. 163.
- Wooby, Philip. "Nude To The Meaning Of Tomorrow." M. lsted. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1959.
OCLC NUC. 285.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.W873 Nu 823.W873 N.
- Yerby, Frank. "Jarrett’s Jade." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1959 288. ILL Photocopy.
pop fiction.
- Cooper, Clarence L. Jr. "The Scene." M. New York, NY: Crown Publishers, 1960. OCLC. 310 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.C7772 Sc.
- Cotton, Ella Earl. "Queen of Persia: A Story of Esther Who Saved Her People." F. 1st ed. New York, NY:
Exposition Press, 1960. OCLC NUC. 150
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.C848 Qe.
- Cunningham, George Jr. "Lily-Skin Lover; His Passion for Light Complexioned Women Leads Him to Destruction." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1960. OCLC. 54
ILL Photocopy.
PS3553.U46 L4.
- I-limes, Chester B. "All Shot Up." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Avon Book Division, 1960. OCLC NUC. 160. ILL cover copy.
PZ3.H57 A13 1960
detective novel.
- ---. "The Big Gold Dream." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Avon Books, 1960. OCLC. 160. ILL cover copy.
PS3515.1713 B54 1960.
detective novel.
- Shores, Minnie T. "Publicans And Sinners." F. New York, NY: Comet Press, 1960. OCLC BM. 172. ILL Photocopy.
P53569.115823 P9.
novel. - West, John B. "Bullets Are My Business." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: New American Library, 1960. OCLC BM NUC. 128.
ILL cover copy. det. novel.
- ---. "Cobra Venom." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: New American Library, 1960. OCLC. 126. ILL cover copy.
P53545. W5 181 C.
- ---. "A Taste For Blood." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: New American Library, 1960. OCLC NUC. 144. ILL cover copy.
- Williams, John A. Alferd. "The Angry Ones." M. New York, NY: Ace Books, 1960. OCLC. 192. PS3573.I4495 A82 1960 8131.514.
- Yerby, Frank. "Gillian." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1960. OCLC NUC. 346 PZ3.Y415 Gi.
hist. novel.
- Anderson, Henry L. "No Use Ciyin’." M. London: Western Publishers, 1961. OCLC. 208. PZ4.A5X725 No.
- Broadus, Robert Deal. "Spokes for the Wheel." M. Muncie, IN: Kingsman Press, 1961. OCLC. 143 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.B8634 Sp.
- Cooper, Clarence L. Jr. "Weed." M. 1st at. Evanston, IL: Regency Books, 1961. OCLC. 159. ILL Photocopy.
PS3505.057 W4.
- DuBois, W. E. B. "Worlds Of Color." M. New York, NY: Mainstream Publishers, 1961. OCLC NUC. 349. The Black Flame, A Trilogy, Book 3; ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.D8525 Wo.
- Farrell, John. "The Naked Truth." M. 1st at. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1961. OCLC. 196. ILL Photocopy.
PS508.1 F247n.
- Hercules, Frank. "Where the Humming Bird Flies." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace & Comp.,
1961. OCLC. 212
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.H538 Wh.
- Himes, Chester B. "Pinktoes." M. Pads, France: Olympia Press, 1961. OCLC. 207 ILL cover copy.
PZ3.H57 P1.
novel. - Mayfield, Julian. "The Grand Parade.". New York, NY: Vanguard Press, 1961. OCLC DLB. 212. later published under the title NOWHERE STREET, Paperback Library, 1963. PZ4.M47.
novel. - Nelson, Annie Greene. "Don’t Walk On My Dreams." F. Columbia, SC: By the author, 1961. OCLC BM.
- Teague, Robert L. "The Climate of Candor." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Pageant Press, 1961. OCLC BM.
PS3570.E3 CS 1961.
- West, John B. "Death On The Rocks." M. New York, NY: New American Library, 1961. OCLC NUC. 128. ILL cover copy.
det. novel.
- ---. "Never Kill A Cop." M. New York, NY: New American Library, 1961. OCLC. 128. ILL cover copy.
- Williams, John A. Alfred. "Night Song." M. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus, Cudahy, 1961. OCLC. 219. ILL cover copy.
PZ4.W72624 Ni.
- Wilson, Pat. "The Sign of Keola." F. New York, NY: Carlton Press, 1961. OCLC. 36 ILL Photocopy.
PR6045.1647 55 1961.
- Yerby, Frank. "The Garfield Honor." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1961. OCLC NUC. 347. ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.Y415 Gar. hist. fiction.
- Baldwin, James. "Another Country." M. New York, NY: Dial, 1962. OCLC. 436. PZ4.B18 An2 823.BlSlan.
- Brown, Mattye Jeanette. "The Reign of Terror." F. New York, NY: Vantage Press, P53552.R694 R4.
1962. OCLC. 119.
- Chastain, Thomas. "Judgment Day." lst at. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1962. OCLC NUC. 218. PZ4.C489 Ju.
- Clinton, Dorothy Randle. "The Maddening Scar, A Mystery Novel." F. Boston, MA: Christopher Publishing House, 1962. NUC. 117.
ILL Photocopy. PZ4. C6395 Mad. novel.
- Cooper, Clarence L. Jr. "The Dark Messenger." M. 1st ed. Evanston, IL: Regency Books, 1962. OCLC. 157 ILL Photocopy.
PS3553.0585 D37
- Cooper, William A. "Thank God For a Song: A Novel of Negro Church Life in the Rural South." M. 1st ed.
New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1962. OCLC NUC. 121.
ILL Photocopy.
PS3505.062522 T4.
- Crump, Paul. "Burn, Killer, Burn!" M. Chicago, IL: Johnson Publishing Co., 1962. OCLC. 391. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.C9563 B4.
- Delany, Samuel R. "The Jewels of Aptor." M. New York: Ace Books, 1962. OCLC. 156.
ILL Photocopy.
PS3554.E437 J48.
Science fiction.
- Ferguson, Ira Luna. "Ocee, Texas: A Novel Of Passion, Petroleum And Politics In The Pecos River Valley." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1962. NUC OCLC. 182.
ILL Photocopy.
P53556.E7 025.
- Gaines, Edwina. "Your People Are My People." P. London, England: Gt. Western Publishing Co., 1962. OCLC. 232.
PZ4.G142 Yo.
- Kelley, William Melvin. "A Different Drunnner.". 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1962. OCLC. 223
PS3561.E392 Di
- Killens, John Oliver. "And Then We Heard The Thmider." M. 1st ed. New York,
1962. OCLC. 485
NY: Alfred A. Knopf,
- Perry, Charles. "Portrait of A Young Man Drowning." M. 1st ed. New York, NY:
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.P462 Po.
Simon & Schuster, 1962.
- Simmons, Herbert Alfred. "Man Walking On Eggshells." M. 1st ed. Boston, MA: Houghton Muffin, 1962. OCLC NUC BM. 250.
ILL Photocopy.
L ____________
PZ4. S593 Man. novel.
- Skinner, Theodosia B. "Ice Cream From Heaven." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1962. OCLC
NUC BM. 83.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.S5634 Ic.
- Talbot, Dave. "The Musical Bride." M. 1st at. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1962. OCLC NUC BM. 249. ILL Photocopy.
PS3570.A26 MS 1962.
- Yerby, Frank. "Griffin’s Way." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1962. BW. 345. PZ3.Y415Gr.
pop fiction.
- Bateman, Robert. "When the Whites Went." M. New York, NY: Walker & Company, 1963. OCLC. 183. ILL PHOTOCOPY.
PR6052.A78 W5 1963x.
- Cooper, Clarence L. Jr. "Black! Two Short Novels (Yet Princes Fellow I Not We Many)." M. Evanston, IL:
Regency Books, 1963. OCLC NUC. 155.
ILL photocopy.
PZ4.C7772 BX.
- Delany, Samuel R. "Captives of the Flame.". New York, NY: Ace Books, 1963. OCLC. 147.
ILL Photocopy. Later published under the title OUT OF TI-lIE DEAD CITY, #1 of Trilogy - THE
PZ4.D338 Ca.
science fiction.
- Edwards, Junius. "If We Must Die" M. lst ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1963. OCLC NUC. 137. PZ4.E255.
- Goyen, William. "The Fair Sister." lst ed. Garden, City, NJ: Doubleday, 1963. BM. 104. ILL Photocopy.
PS3515.O97 F35x.
- Janssen, Milton W. "Divided.". 1st at. New York, NY: Pageant Press, 1963. OCLC. 141 ILL Photocopy.
- Mayfield, Julian. "Nowhere Street." M. New York, NY: Paperback Library, 1963284 Originally published under the title GRAND PARADE, Vanguard Press, 1961. novel.
- Parks, Gordon. "The Learning Tree." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Harper & Row, 1963. OCLC NUC BM. 303
ILL photocopy. PZ4.P249 Le.
- Smith, William Gardner. "The Stone Face." M. New York, NY: Farrar, Strauss, 1963. BW. 213 -PZ3.S6638St.
- Williams, John A. Alfred. "Sissie." M. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1963. OCLC. 277 PS3575.W724si l9613p.
- Wright, Charles. "The Messenger." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus, 1963. OCLC. 217 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.W9477 Me.
- Wright, Richard. "Lawd Today." M. New York, NY: Walker, 1963. OCLC. 189. PZ3.W9352 Law 823.W952x.
- Boles, Robert E. "The People One Knows." M. 1st ed. Boston, MA: Houghton Muffin, ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.B6883 Pe 813.54.
1964. OCLC. 177.
- Delany, Samuel R. "The Towers of Toron (#2 of Trilogy - The Fall of the Tower)." M.
Books, 1964. OCLC. 180.
ILL Photocopy.
PR6054.E4T6 1964.
New York, NY: Ace
Science fiction.
- Edwards, S. W. "Go Now In Darkness." Chicago, IL: Baker Press, 1964. OCLC NUC. 255. ILL Photocopy, 2nd ed.
PZ3.E2728 Go.
- Fiore, Carmen Anthony. "The Barrier." P. 1st at. New York, NY: Pageant Press, 1964. OCLC. 185 PS3556.167 B3.
- Flemister, John T. "Furlough From Hell, A Fantasy." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1964.
OCLC. 103.
ILL Photocopy.
P53556.L456 F97.
- Forte, Christine. "A View From the Hill." Forster, Christine F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1964.
OCLC. 100.
ILL Photocopy.
P53556.0742 VS.
- Gaines, Ernest 1. "Catherine Carmier." M. New York, NY: Atheneum, 1964. OCLC NUC EM. 248. PZ4.G142 Yo.
- Gunn, Bill. "All the Rest Have Died." M. New York, NY: Delacorte, 1964. OCLC NUC BM. 220. ILL Photocopy.
P53557.U49 A7 1964x.
- Hunter, Helen. "Magnificent White Men." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1964. OCLC. 153 -ILL Photocopy.
science fiction.
- Hunter, Kristin. "God Bless The Child." F. New York, NY: Charles Scribners Sons, 1964. OCLC BM. 307 pbk.
PS3558.U5 G6.
- James, Beauregard. "The Road to Birmingham." James, Beauregard M. New York, NY: Bridgehead Books,
1964. OCLC. 191 -PZ4.J2815Ro.
- LaHon, Vyola Therese. "The Big Lie." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1964. OCLC. 68. ILL Photocopy.
PS3523.A29 B53.
- Martin, Ralph. "Skin Deep." M. New York, NY: David McKay Company, 1964. OCLC. 214. ILL cover copy.
PZ4.M3824 SK.
- Patterson, Horace Orlando. "The Children of Sisyphus." M. 1st ed. London, England: Hutchinson, 1964. OCLC NUC. 206.
PZ4.P3 196 Ch.
- Subtette, Walter E. "Go Now In Darkness." Edwards, S. W. M. Chicago, IL: Baker Press, 1964. OCLC NUC
BM. 255.
ILL photocopy.
PZ3.E2728 Go.
- Washington, Doris V. "Yulan." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Carlton Press, 1964. OCLC NUC PM. 100. ILL Photocopy.
P53573.A8 Y8 Spingarn. novel.
- West, William. "Cornered." M. New York, NY: Carlton Press, 1964. OCLC NtJC BM. 134. PS3573.E824 C6 Spingarn.
- Yerby, Frank. "The Old Gods Laugh." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1964. BW. 408. PZ3.Y41501.
pop fiction.
- Anderson, Alston. "All God’s Children." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Bolts-Merrill, 1965. OCLC. 221 PZ4.A5446 AL.
- Battles, Jesse Moore. "Somebody Please Help Me." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Pageant Press, 1965. OCLC.
ILL Photocopy.
PS3552.A75 S6x.
- Delany, Samuel R. "The Ballad of Beta-2." M. New York, NY: Ace Books, 1965. OCLC. 124.
ILL Photocopy.
P53554.E437 B34.
Science fiction.
- ---. "City of a Thousand Suns (#3 of Trilogy - The Fall of the Tower)." M. New York, NY: Ace, 1965.
OCLC. 156.
ILL Photocopy.
PS3554.E27 CS 1965.
Science fiction.
- Demby, William. "The Catacombs." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Pantheon Books, 1965. OCLC. 244. ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.D3923 Cat. novel.
- Fair, Ronald L. "Many Thousand Gone: An American Fable." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1965. OCLC. 114.
PZ4.F1634 Man PS3556.A36.
- Himes, Chester B. "Cotton Comes to Harlem." M. 1st American at. ed. New York, NY: C. P. Putnam’s Sons,
1965. OCLC. 223 -
Originally published in France under the title RETURE EN AFRJQIJE.
PZ3.H57 Co.
pop fiction.
- Horsman, Gallan. "The Noose and the Spear: A Tale of Passion, Adventure and Violence." M. 1st ed. New
York, NY: Vantage Ness, 1965. OCLC. 88.
ILL Photocopy.
P53558.077 N6x.
- Johnson, Evelyn Allen. "My Neighbor’s Island." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1965. OCLC.
55 -
ILL Photocopy.
PS3560.03949 M9.
- Jones, LeRoi. "The System of Dante’s Hell." Baraka, Imamu Amiri M. New York, NY: Grove Press, 1965.
NUC OCLC. 154.
Do we need two entries for LeRoi Jones and Imamu Amiri Baraka, or use one of them ae pseud.?
PZ4.B2267 Sy PS3552.A583.
- Jones, Ralph H. "The Pepperpot Man." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1965. NUC OCLC. 197. ILL Photocopy.
813 J7241p. novel.
- Kelley, William Melvin. "A Drop of Patience." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1965. OCLC. 237 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.K285 Dr.
- Kennedy, Jay Richard. "Favor the Runner." M. 1st at. Cleveland, OH: World Publisher Co., 1965. OCLC.
449 -PZ4.K35 Fav. novel.
- Lacy, Ed. "Harlem Underground." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Pyramid Books, 1965. NUC OCLC. 172. PS3523.A238 H3x 1965.
pop fiction.
- Martin, Chester A. "He Was Born, He Died, And He Lived." M. New York: Carlton Press, 1965. OCLC. 68. ILL cover copy.
P53563.A725 H4.
- Ottley, Roi. "White Marble Lady." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1965. OCLC NUC
BM. 278.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.0894 Wh.
- Paulding, James E. "Sometime Tomorrow." M. New York, NY: Carlton Press, 1965. OCLC BM. 138. ILL cover copy.
- Rhodes, Han. "A Chosen Few." M. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1965. OCLC NUC BM. 248. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.R477 Ch PS3568.H6.
- Robinson, J. Terry. "White Horse In Harlem." M. New York, NY: Pageant Press, 1965. NUC EM. 159. ILL Photocopy.
- Rollins, Lamen. "The Human Race a Gang." M. New York, NY: Carlton Press, 1965. novel.
- VanDyke, Henry. "Ladies Of The Rachmaninoff Eyes." M. 2nd at. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux,
1965214 ILL Photocopy. novel.
- Williams, Gordon M. "The Last Day of Lincoln Charles." M. 1st ed. London, England: Martin Seeker & Warburg Limited, 1965. OCLC. 220.
ILL Photocopy. PZ4.W7253 Las. novel.
- Yerby, Frank. "The Odor of Sanctity." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1965563 ILL Photocopy.
pop fiction.
- Barrett, Nathan. "Bars Of Adamant: A Tropical Novel." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Fleet Pub. Corp, 1966. OCLC. 287.
PS3552.A7362 B3.
- Bennett, Hal. "A Wilderness of Vines." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1966. OCLC. 345 PZ4. B4696 Wi.
- Cooper, John L. "Opus One." M. New York, NY: Maelstrom, 1966. OCLC. 81 -ILL Photocopy.
- Davis, Charles. "Two Weeks To Find A Killer." M. New York, NY: Carlton Press, 1966. OCLC. 77. ILL Photocopy.
P53554.A93277 T9x.
- Delany, Samuel R. "Babel-17." M. New York: Ace Books, 1966. OCLC. 219 paper. science fiction.
- ---. "Empire Star." M. New York, NY: Ace Books, 1966. OCLC. 102. PZ2001.D337 ES.
science fiction.
- Fair, Ronald L. "Hog Butcher." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1966. OCLC. 182. ILL Photocopy.
- Forte, Christine. "Young Tim O’Hara." Forster, Christine F. New York: Vantage Press, 1966107. P53 556.0788.
- Guy, Rosa. "Bird at My Window." F. 1st ed. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1966. OCLC NUC. 282. PZ4.G9932 Bi.
- Harris, Elbert L. "Killer of the City." M. Media? PA, 1966. REMARC. 160. PZ4.H3 135 Ki.
- Himes, Chester B. "The Heat’s On." M. New York, NY: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1966. OCLC NUC. 220. PZ3.H57 He P53515.1713 H4 8131.5/4.
pop fiction.
- ---. "Run Man Run." M. New York, NY: 0. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1966. OCLC. 192. ILL cover copy.
PZ3.H57 Ru. pop fiction.
- Hunter, Kristin. "The Landlord." F. New York, NY: Scribner, 1966. OCLC. 338. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.119457 Lan Fic H94565x. novel.
- Koiner, Richard B. "Jack Be Quick." M. New York, NY: Lyle Stuart, 1966. OCLC. 222. PZ4.K795 Jac.
- Motley, Willard. "Let Noon Be Fair." M. New York, NY: Putnam, 1966. OCLC. 416. PZ3.M8573 Lg P53563.0888.
- Pharr, Robert Deane. "The Pace of Asses." M. New York, NY: Doubleday, 1966. novel.
- Phillips, Jane. "Mojo Hand." ?. New York, NY: Trident Press, 1966. OCLC BM. 180. ILL cover copy.
PZ4.P558 Mo 8131.5/4.
- Shores, Minnie T. "Americans In America." F. Boston, MA: Christopher Publishing House, 1966. OCLC
BM. 115.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.S55927 AM PS3569.A6748 Ass.
- Thorup, Lester W. "Came The Harvest." M. New York, NY: Carlton Press, 1966. OCLC NUC BM. 39. ILL Photocopy.
PS3570.H68 C3 1966x.
- Walker, Margaret. "Jubilee." ?. Boston, MA: Hougton Miflhin, 1966. OCLC NUC BM. 497 PZ4.W1814 Ju.
- Wood, Clement Biddle. "Welcome to the Club." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hilt, 1966. OCLC NUC
BM. 246.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.W875 We.
- Wright, Charles S. "The Wig: A Mirror Image." M. New York, NY: Farrar, Strauss, & Co., 1966. DLB(33).
- Beck, Robert. "Pimp: The Story of My Life." Iceberg Slim M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1967. OCLC. 317.
814.54 B393x.
pop fiction.
- ---. "Trick Baby, The Biography of a Con Man." Iceberg Slim M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1967. OCLC. 312.
PZ4.B3925 Tr.
pop fiction.
- Coleman, James Nelson. "Seeker From The Stars.". New York, NY: Berkley, 1967. OCLC. 159. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.C62 Se. novel.
- Delany, Samuel R. "The Einstein Intersection." M. New York: Ace Books, 1967. OCLC. 142. PR6054.E4 E44x.
Science fiction. - Gaines, Ernest J. "Of Love and Dust." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1967. OCLC NIJC. 281 PS3557.A355 036 1967.
- Hercules, Frank. "I Want A Black Doll." M. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1967. OCLC. 319. ILL Photocopy.
PZ.H538 I.
- Jackson, J. Denis. "The Black Commandos." Julian Moreau M. Atlanta, GA: Cultural Institute Press, 1967. OCLC. 228.
PS3563.0778 B6.
- Johnson, William M. "The House on Corbett Street." M. New York, NY: William Frederick Press, 1967.
OCLC. 311.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.J719 Ho.
- Kelley, William Melvin. "Dem." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1967. OCLC. 210. PZ4.K285 Do.
- Killens, John Oliver. "Sippi." M. New York, NY: Trident Press, 1967. OCLC. 434 PS3561.I37 SS.
- Kirk, Paul S. "No Need To Cry." M. New York, NY: Carlton Press, 1967. OCLC. 215 PZ4.K57.
- Panger, Daniel. "01’ Prophet Nat." M. Winston-Salem, NC: John F. Blair, 1967. OCLC BM. 159 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.P193 01.
- Parrish, Clarence R. "Images Of Democracy." M. New York, NY: Carlton Press, 1967. OCLC NUC BM. 161
ILL Photocopy. PZ4.P2618 Im 1967.
- Patterson, H. Orlando. "An Absence of Ruins." M. London, England: Hutchinson, 1967. OCLC. 160. author is Native West Indian but lives and writes in US/ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.P3 196 Ab.
- Polite, Carlene Hatcher. "The Flagellants." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1967. OCLC
NUC BM. 214.
ILL cover copy.
PZ4.P7674 Fi PS3566.047 Fe 1967
- Ramsey, Leroy L. "The Trial and the Fire." M. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1967. OCLC NUC BM.
PS3568.A46 T7.
- Reed, Ishmael. "The Free-Lance Pallbearers." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1967. OCLC NUC BM. 155.
PZ4.R323 Fr.
- Rollins, Bryant. "Danger Song." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Carlton Press, 1967. OCLC. 280. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.R753 Dan. novel.
- Vroman, Mary Elizabeth. "Harlem Summer." F. New York, NY: Putnam, 1967. NUC OCLC EM. 154. ILL Photocopy.
PZ7.V987 Har. novel.
- Watson, Roberta B. "Closed Doors." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1967. OCLC EM. 95. ILL Photocopy.
PS3573.A88 CS Spingarn. novel.
- Wideman, John Edgar. "A Glance Away" M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace, World, 1967. OCLC.
ILL cover copy.
PZ4.W638 Gl.
- Williams, John A. Alfred. "The Man Who Cried I Am." M. 1st ed. Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 1967. OCLC.
PZ4.W72624 Man. novel.
- Yerby, Frank. "Goat Song." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1967 498
ILL Photocopy. pop fiction.
- Baldwin, James. "Tell Me How Long The Train’s Been Gone." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1968. OCLC.
- Bennett, Hal. "The Black Wine." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1968. OCLC. 312. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.E4696 El.
- Boles, Robert E. "Curling." M. 1st ed. Boston, MA: Houghton Muffin, 1968. OCLC. 259. ILL Photocopy.
- Delany, Samuel R. "Nova." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1968. OCLC. 279.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.D338 No.
Science fiction.
- ---. "Out of the Dead City." M. London, England: Sphere Books, 1968. OCLC. 143 Originally published under the title: CAPTIVES OF TEE FLAME.
Science fiction.
- Lee, Audrey. "The Clarion People." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1968. OCLC. 180. ILL Photocopy.
- Morrison, C. T. "The Flame In The Icebox: An Episode Of The Vietnam War." M. 1st ed. New York, NY:
Exposition Press, 1968. OCLC. 112.
ILL Photocopy.
DS557.A6 M7.
looks like novel.
- Smith, Bernard S. "Born For Malice." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1968. OCLC NUC EM.
- Smith, Maurice L. "Who Cares." M. New York, NY: Canton Press, 1968. OCLC EM. 61 ILL Photocopy.
PS3569.M57 W5y.
- Van Peebles, Melvin. "A Bear For The FBI." M. New York, NY: Trident Press, 1968. OCLC. 157. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.V2726 Be.
pop fiction.
- Warren, Alyce R. "Into These Depths." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1968. OCLC EM. 127. ILL Photocopy.
PS3573.A7 15x.
- Whitney, Jim E. "Wayward O’Er Tuner Sheffard." M. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Carlton Press, 1968186. ILL Photocopy.
PS3573.H548 W3 Spingand. novel.
- Yerby, Frank. "Judas, My Brothen." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1968 475 ILL Photocopy.
pop fiction.
- Beck, Robert. "Mama Black Widow." Iceberg Slim M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1969. OCLC.
PZ4.B3925 Me.
pop fiction.
- Beckham, Barry. "My Main Mother." M. New York, NY: Walker & Co., 1969. OCLC. 214. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.B3967 My PS3552.E28 8131.514.
pop fiction.
- Brown, Cecil. "The Life and Loves of Mr. Jiveass Nigger." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1969. OCLC. 213
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.B874915 Li PS3552.R6853 8131.5/4.
pop fiction.
- Brown, Frank London. "The Myth Makers." M. Chicago, IL: Path Press, 1969. OCLC. 179. PZ4.B8774 My PS3552.R6855 813/.5/4.
- Cannon, Steve. "Groove, Bang And Jive Around." M. New York, NY: Ophelia, 1969. OCLC. 191 ILL Photocopy.
PS3553.A5545 07.
pop fiction.
- Carvalho, Grimaldo. "The Negro Messiah." lst ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1969. OCLC NUC BM.
ILL Photocopy.
PQ9697.C25 N4.
- Coleman, James Nelson. "The Null-Frequency Impulser." M. New York, NY: Berkley, 1969. OCLC NUC.
ILL Photocopy.
PS3553.046 N8x 1969.
- Coleman, Merton H. "That Godless Woman." M. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1969. novel.
- Farmer, Clarence. "Soul on Fine." M. New York, NY: Belmont Books, 1969. OCLC. 172 ILL Photocopy.
813 F2291s.
- Ferguson, Ira Lunan. "The Biography of G. Wash Caner, White.". San Fransisco, CA: Lunan-Ferguson Library, 1969. REMARC NUC. 253.
PZ4.F3497 Bi PS3556.E7 813/.5/4.
- Gilbert, Herman Cromwell. "The Uncertain Sound." M. Chicago, II: Path Press, 1969. OCLC. 349. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.G4647 PS3557.1342 8131.5/4.
- Graves, Wallace. "Trixie." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1969. OCLC NUC. 333 PZ4.G7758 Tr PS3557.R29 8131.514.
- Greenlee, Sam. "The Spook Who Sat By the Door." M. New York, NY: Richard W. Baron, 1969. OCLC NUC. 248.
PZ4.G8146 Sp PS3557.P396 813/5/4.
- Himes, Chester B. "Blind Man With A Pistol." M. New York, NY: William Morrow, 1969. OCLC. 240. later published under the title HOT DAY, HOT NIGHT by Dell publishers, 1970. PZ3.H57 B1 PS3S1S.I7l3 813/.5/4.
- Johnson, Hubert E. and Loretta. "Poppy." M & F. New York, NY: Carlton Press, 1969. OCLC. 264 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.J654 Po.
- Killens, John Oliver. "Slaves." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Pyramid Publications, 1969. OCLC. 142 ILL Photocopy.
P53561.137 S5 813/.5/4.
- Kimbrough, Jess. "Defender Of The Angels; A Black Policeman In Old Los Angeles." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1969. NUC BM OCLC. 273
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.K4853 De PS3561.142 813/54.
- Lee, Audrey. "The Workers." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1969. OCLC. 180 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.L476 Wo PS3562.E33 8131.514.
- Mahoney, William. "Black Jacob." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1969. OCLC. 247 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.M2165 Bl P53563.A39 8131.5/4.
- Major, Clarence. "Mt-Night Visitors." M. New York, NY: Olympia Press, 1969. OCLC. 203 PZ4.M23A1 P53563.A39 813/.5/4.
- Marshall, Paule. "The Chosen Place, The Timeless People." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1969. Catlaloo Fall/85. 472
PZ4.M369 Ch PS3563.A7223.
- Pharr, Robert Deane. "The Book of Numbers." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1969. OCLC NUC
BM. 374.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.P536 Bo3 PS3566 H3 813/5/4.
- Reed, Ishmael. "Yellowback Radio Broke-Down." M. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1969. OCLC SM Nt.JC.
177 pbk.
ILL cover copy.
PZ4.R323 Y44 PS3568.E365 813/.5/4.
- Robinson, Rose. "Eagle In the Air." F. New York, NY: Crown, 1969. OCLC N1IJC BM. 159. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.R6635 Eag PS3568.O315 8131.5/4.
- Spence, Raymond. "Nothing Black But A Cadillac." M. New York, NY: Putnam, 1969. OCLC SM. 191 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.S743 No 8131.5/4 PR6069.P45.
- VanDyke, Henry. "Blood Of Strawberries." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1969. OCLC
NUC SM. 277.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.V24 Bl 813/5/4 PS3572.A43.
- Verne, Berta. "Elastic Fingers." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1969. OCLC NUC SM. 65. ILL Photocopy.
- Williams, Edward G. "Not Like Niggers." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1969. OCLC. 153 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.W72335 No P53573.14486 8131.5/4.
- Williams, John A. Alfred. "Sons Of Darkness, Sons Of Light." M. 1st ed. Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 1969. OCLC. 279.
PZ4.W72624 So PS3573.14495 813/.5/4.
- Wright, Sara F. "This Child’s Gonna Live." F. New York, NY: Delacorte Press, 1969. OCLC SM. 276. ILL photocopy.
813/./54 PZ4.W9517 Th PS3573.R54.
- Yerby, Frank. "Speak Now." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1969 227. ILL Photocopy.
pop fiction.
- Bennett, Hal. "Lord Of Dark Places." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Norton, 1970. OCLC. 286. ILL Photocopy.
- Bond, Odessa. "The Double Tragedy." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1970. OCLC. 129. ILL Photocopy.
P53552.05295 D6.
- Cain, George. "Blueschild Baby." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1970. OCLC NUC. 201 PZ4.C1384 51 PS3563.A39 813.54.
- Cooper, Clarence L. Jr. "The Farm, A Novel." M. New York, NY: Crown Publishers, 1970. OCLC NUC.
PZ4.C7772 Far2x. novel.
- Delany, Martin R. "Blake; Or, The Huts Of America." M. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1970. OCLC. 321
74 chapters of 80-chapter serielized novel originally published in 1859 / 1st time in book form;
ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.D3737 B13 P53507.536 813/.3.
- Delany, Samuel R. "The Fall of the Towers (Trilogy)." M. New York, NY: Ace Books, 1970. OCLC. 413
ILL Photocopy; the complete trilogy in one volume: includes OUT OF DEAD CITY, THE TOWER
P53554.E37 F3 1970a.
Science fiction.
- Fair, Ronald L. "World of Nothing: Two Novellas." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Harper & Row, 1970. OCLC.
PZ4.F1634 Wo PS3556. A36 8131,5/4.
two novellas.
- Fairtey, Ruth A. "Rocks and Roses." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1970. OCLC. 110. ILL Photocopy.
P53556.A37 R63.
- Greene, Joe. "Superspade No 1: Death of a Blue-Eyed Soul Brother." Johnson, B. B. M. New York, NY:
Paperback Library, 1970. OCLC NUC. 158. PS3560.037 D4.
pop fiction.
- ---. "Superspade No 2: Slack Is Beautiful." Johnson, B. B. M. New York, NY: Paperback Library, 1970. OCLC NUC. 158.
PZ4.J6673 B1 PS3560.03715 8131.5/4.
pop fiction.
- ---. "Superspade No 3: That’s Where the Cat’s At, Baby." Johnson, B. B. M. New York, NY: Paperback Library, 1970. OCLC NUC. 176.
PS3560.037 T5.
pop fiction.
- ---. "Superspade No 4: Mother of the Year." Johnson, B. B. M. New York, NY: Paperback Library, 1970. OCLC NUC. 142.
PS3560. 037 M6.
pop fiction.
- ---. "Superspade No 5: Bad Day for a Black Brother." Johnson, B. B. M. New York, NY: Paperback Library,
1970. OCLC NUC. 158. PS3560.037 B2.
pop fiction.
- Groves, John William. "Shellbreak." M. New York, NY: Paperback Library, 1970. OCLC SM. 159 pbk. PR6057.R66 S45x 1970.
science fiction.
- Heard, Nathan C. "Howard Street." M. New York, NY: New American Library, 1970. OCLC. 256. P53558.E25 H659 1970x.
- Himes, Chester B. "Hot Day, Hot Night." M. New York, NY: Dell Publishers, 1970238. Originally published under the title BLIND MAN WITH A PISTOL by William Marrow, 1969. novel.
- Jackson, Emma Lou. "The Veil of Nancy." F. New York, NY: Canton Press, 1970. OCLC. 191 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.J1324 Ve PS3560.A214 813.5/4.
- Jarry, Hawke. "Black Schoolmaster." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1970. OCLC. 135 ILL Photocopy.
- Kelley, William Melvin. "Dunford’s Travels Eveiywhere." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1970. OCLC. 201.
PZ4.K285 Du PS3561.E391.
- Meriwether, Louise. "Daddy Was A Number Runner." F. Englewood Cliffs, NY: Prentice-Hall, 1970. OCLC.
PZ4.M5573 Dad P53563.E738 8131.5/4.
- Morrison, Toni. "The Bluest Eye." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Holt,Rinehart, & Winston, 1970. OCLC NUC SM. 164.
PZ4.M883 PS3563.08749 813/.5/4.
- Robinson, J. Terry. "The Double Circle People." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Suzanna, 1970. OCLC NUC SM. 145.
ILL Photocopy. PZ4.R6625 P53568.029 813/5/4.
- Royal, A, Bertrand. "Which Way ToHeaven." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1970. OCLC SM
NUC. 150.
ILL Photocopy.
PS3568.092 W45.
- Russ, George B. "Over Edom, I Lost My Shoe." M. New York, NY: Carlton Press, 1970. OCLC SM NUC.
ILL Photocopy.
PS3568.U78 09.
- Scott-Heron, Gil. "The Vultune." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: World Pub. Co., 1970. OCLC NUC SM. 245. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.S4298 Vu 813/5/4 P53569.C7.
- Stern, Horald. "Slackland." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1970282 PZ4.S8383S PS3569.T389 813/5/4.
- Stone, Chuck. "King Strut." M. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Mernill, 1970. OCLC NUC SM. 357. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.587824 Ki PS3569.T63 813/5/4.
- Thompson, Jim. "Nothing But A Man." M. New York, NY: Popular Library, 1970128. ILL Photocopy.
- Turner, Peter. "Black Heat." M. New York, NY: Belmont Books, 1970. OCLC SM. 140. ILL Photocopy.
813.T856 B.
- Turn, Mae Caesar. "Uncle Ezra Holds Prayer Meeting In The White House." E. 1st ed. New York NY:
Exposition Press, 1970. OCLC SM. 62.
ILL Photocopy.
P53570.U75 U6.
- Walker, Alice. "The Third Life of Grange Copeland." F. New York, NY: Hancourt Brace Jovanovich 1970. OCLC SM. 247.
- Wideman, John Edgar. "Hurry Home." M. New York, NY: Hancourt, Brace & World, 1970. OCLC. 185 PZ4.W638 Hu PS3573.I26 813/5/4.
- Young, Al. "Snakes." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970. OCLC NUC SM. 149.
ILL Photocopy. PZ4.Y67 813/5/4
- Atkins, Russell. ".aleficiurn.". Cleveland, OH: Freelance Press, 1971. OCLC. 65 ILL Photocopy.
P5355 1.T55.
- Davis, George. "Coming Home." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Random House, 1971. OCLC Essence. 144. PZ4.D26165 PS3554.A9344 81315/4.
- Davis, Nolan. "The Six Black Horses." M. New York, NY: G. P. Putnam’s Son, 1971. OCLC. 320. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.D2634 Si P53554.A9374 813/5/4.
- Delany, Samuel R. "Dniftglass." M. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1971. DLB. 274. PZ4.D338 Dr PR6054.E4.
science fiction.
- Gaines, Ernest J. "The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman." M. New York, NY: The Dial Press, 1971. OCLC. 246.
PZ4.G1422 Au P53557.A355 813/5/4.
- Goines, Donald. "Dopefiend: The Story of a Slack Junkie." Clank, Al C. M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway
House, 1971. HI~1 OCLC. 254.
PS3557.033 D6 1971.
pop fiction.
- Gray, Madeleine Sophie. "Vignettes of the Seam inaNigger’sEye." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1971. OCLC. 126.
PS3557.A75 VS.
- Greene, Joe. "Superspade No 6: Blues for a Slack Sister." Johnson, S. S. M. New York, NY: Paperback Library, 1971. OCLC NUC. 175.
PS3560.037 S646x.
pop fiction.
- Haskins, LeRoi Rossetti. "The Weak Arm of Justice." M. lsted. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1971.
OCLC NUC. 229.
ILL Photocopy.
P53558.A7956 W4 1971.
- Jackson, Jesse. "The Sickest Don’t Always Die The Quiekest." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Doubleday,
PZ7.J13624 Si.
- Jordan, June. "His Own Whene." P. New York, NY: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1971. OCLC. 89
PZ4.J823 Hi P53560.073 813/5/4.
- Killens, John Oliver. "Cotillion, Or, One Good Sull Is Half The Herd." M. New York, NY: Trident Press,
1971. OCLC. 256 PZ4.K48 Co PS3561.137 813/5/4.
- Mason, S. J. "The Jemsalem Freedom Manufacturing Co." M. New York, NY: Paperback Library, 1971. novel.
- McWhortle, A. C. "Lena." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Grove Press, 1971. OCLC. 158. PZ4.M1785 Le PS3563.A338 813/5/4.
- Phann, Robert Deane. "S.R.O." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1971. OCLC NUC. 569. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.P536.S PS3566.H33 813/5/4.
- Smith, Daniel. "A Walk in the City." M. 1st ed. New York: World Pub. Co., 1971. OCLC NUC SM. 337. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.S6446 Wal 813/5/4 P53569.M517.
- Steward, John. "Last Cool Days." M. 1st ed. London, England: Andre Deutsch, 1971. OCLC EM. 190. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.58518 Las P53569.1465.
- VanDyke, Henry. "Dead Piano." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Fannar, Straus & Giroux, 1971. NUC. 182. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.V24De PS3572.A43 813/5.2.
- Walker, Drake. "Suck And The Preacher." M. New York, NY: Popular Library, 1971. OCLC BM. 143 novel.
- Wylie, James. "The Lost Rebellion." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Trident Press, 1971. OCLC SM. 320. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.W9825 Lo 813/5/4 P53573.Y54.
- Yerby, Frank. "The Dahomean." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Dial, 1971. OCLC NUC. 383 ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.Y415 Dah P53547.E65 813/5/4.
pop fiction.
- Beckham, Sanry. "Runner Mack." M. New York, NY: Morrow, 1972. OCLC. 213 PZ4.b3967 Ru P53552.E28 813/5/4.
pop fiction.
- Colter, Cyrus. "The Riven of Eros.". 1st ed. Chicago, IL: Swallow Press, 1972. OCLC NUC. 219. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.C7243 Ri P53553.0477 8131 5/4.
- Cotton, Donald J. "Sore Foots." M. 1st ed. Washington, DC: Libnatterian Sooks, 1972. OCLC NUC. 260. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.C847 So P53553.0765 813/5/4.
- Davis, Charles W. "The Nut and Solt." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1972. OCLC. 202 ILL Photocopy.
P53554.A885 N8.
- Fain, Ronald L. "We Can’t Sneathe." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Harper & Row, 1972. OCLC. 216 pbk. PZ4.F1634 We PS3556.A36 81314/5.
- Goines, Donald. "Slack Gangster." Clark, Al C. M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1972. OCLC. 280 novel.
- ---. "Whoreson: The Stony of a Ghetto Pimp." Clark, Al C. M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House,
1972. RH OCLC NUC. 279. PS3557.O33 W4.
- Harris, James L. "Endurance." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1972. OCLC NUC. 109. ILL Photocopy.
PS3558.A785 ES.
autobiographical novel.
- Hawkins, Odie. "Ghetto Sketches." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1972. OCLC. 248. P53558.A924 G44 1972.
- Heard, Nathan C. "To Reach A Dream." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1972. OCLC. 212. PZ4.H4346 To PS3558.E25 813/5/4.
- Jackson, Jesse. "The Fourteenth Cadillac." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Doubleday, 1972. OCLC. 184. PZ7.J13624 Fu.
- Kemp, Arnold. "Eat Of Me, I Am The Savior." M. New York, NY: William Morrow, 1972. OCLC NUC.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.K3186 Eat PS3561.E399 813/5/4.
- Love, D. C. "The Sheriff." M. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1972231 ILL coven copy.
PS3S62.O874 S3.
- Lubin, Arthur. "Wampala On The Hudson." M. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1972. OCLC. 267.
ILL Photocopy. P53562.U245 W3.
- Marttin, Paul. "Cocoa Blades." M. 1st at. New York, NY: Delacorte Press, 1972261 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.M3875 Co PS3563.A742 813/5/4.
- McKenzie, William P. "The Solemn Hour." M. New York, NY: Carlton Ness, 1972. OCLC. 116 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.M15626 So PS3563.A31353 813/5/4.
- Mitcham, LeRoy. "The Sickle Cell Tragedy." M. 1st at. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1972. OCLC. 128.
- Overstreet, Cleo. "The Soar Hog Woman." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1972. OCLC NUC SM,
ILL photocopy.
PZ4.O943 So P53565.V45 813/5/4.
- Patterson, Horace Orlando. "Die the Long Day." M. New York, NY: Morrow, 1972. OCLC NUC SM. 253 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.P3196D13 PR6066.A875 813.
- Reed, Ishtnael. "Mumbo Jumbo." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1972. OCLC NUC SM. 223 PZ4.R323 Mu PS3568.E365 813/5/4.
- Scott-Heron, Gil. "The Nigger Factony." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1972. OCLC NUC SM. 242 ILL Photocopy.
813/5/4 PZ4.S4298 Ni PS3569.C7.
- Skinner, Theodosia S. "Dilemma OfA College Girl." F. Philadelphia, PA: Dorrance, 1972. OCLC NUC
SM. 66.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.56197183 Di PS3569.K53 813/5/4.
- Webster, Sill. "One Sy One." M. 1st at. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1972. OCLC NUC SM. 278 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.W378 On PS3573.E25 813/5/4.
- Williams, John A. Alfred. "Captain Blackman." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1972. OCLC. 336. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.W72624 Cap P53573.14495 813/5/4.
novel. - Yerby, Frank. "The Girl From Storyville." M. New York, NY: Dell, 1972 556 ILL Photocopy.
pop fiction.
- Ashley, Martin. "Checkmate And Deathmate." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1973. OCLC
NUC. 392.
ILL Photocopy.
- Bates, Arthenia J. "The Deity Nodded." F. Detroit, MI: Harlo Press, 1973 239. ILL Photocopy.
PS3552.A86 D4.
- Sriscoe, Lawrence. "Fisher’s Alley." M. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1973. OCLC. 528 ILL Photocopy.
PS3552.R48 F5.
- Brown, Josephine Stephens. "The Way of the Shadows." F. 1st at. Boston, MA: Exposition Press, 1973. OCLC. 77.
PS3552.R6895 W3.
- Bullins, Ed. "The Reluctant Rapist." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Harper & Row, 1973. OCLC. 166. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.S9357 Re PS3552.U45 813/5/4.
- Cain, Johnnie Mae. "White Sastards." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1973. OCLC NUC. 94. ILL Photocopy.
FA C1233w. novel.
- Colter, Cyrus. "The Hippodrome.". Chicago, IL: Swallow Press, 1973. OCLC NUC. 213. PZ4.C7243 Hi P53553.0477 813/5/4.
- Delany, Samuel R. "The Tides of Lust." M. New York, NY: Lancer Books, 1973. OCLC. 173
ILL Photocopy.
PR6054.E4 T5.
Science fiction.
- Drummond, Mary. "Come Go With Me; High Rock And Spring Sank." F. Philadelphia, PA: Dorrance,
1973. OCLC NUC. 149.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.D7936 Co P53554.R77 811/5/4
- Dubose, Janet. "A Cry From a Child of the Ghetto."F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1973. OCLC.
ILL Photocopy.
P53554.U246 C757x.
- Ellis, Teresa. "No Way Back: A Novella." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1973. OCLC. 46. ILL Photocopy.
PS3555.L587 N6.
- Forrest, Leon. "There Is A Tree More Ancient Than Eden." M. 1st at. New York, NY: Random House,
1973. OCLC NUC. 163. PZ4.F72883 Th PS3556.0738 813/5/4.
- Goines, Donald. "Black Girl Lost." Clark, Al C. M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1973. HIT OCLC.
175 pbk. P53557.033 B546X.
- ---. "Street Players." Clark, Al C. M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1973. IIH OCLC. 190 PS3557.033 584.
- ---. "White Man’s Justice, Black Man’s Grief" Clark, Al C. M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House,
1973. HHOCLC. 218. PS3557.0326 W54.
- Hathorn, Christine. "The Undoing of Miss Abigail Wrigley A Country Mystery." F. 1st ed. New York, NY:
Vantage Press, 1973. OCLC NUC. 200. ILL Photocopy.
- Jackson, Blyden. "Operation Burning Candle." M. New York, NY: Third Press, 1973. OCLC. 221 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.J128 Op P53560.A18 813/5/4.
- Jefferson, Sonia W. "Thirteenth Child." F. Baton Rouge, LA: Franklin Press, 1973. OCLC. 117. PZ4.J444 Th.
- Lewis, Ronald. "The Last Junkie." M. New York, NY: Amuru, 1973. novel.
- Major, Clarence. "No." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Emerson Hall, 1973. OCLC NUC. 207 P53563.A38 N6.
- Mallory, Roosevelt. "Radcliff4fl: Harlem Hit." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1973. OCLC. 220 novel.
- Mitchell, Loften. "The Stubborn Old Lady Who Resisted Change." M. New York, NY: Emerson Hall, 1973.
OCLC. 124.
ILL Photocopy.
PS3563.177 57 1973.
- Morrison, Toni. "Sula." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1973. OCLC NUC EM. 174. ILL cover copy.
PZ4.M883 PS3563.08749 813/5/4.
- Nazel, Joseph. "Black Series: My Name Is Black." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Pinnacle Books, 1973. OCLC.
ILL Photocopy. pop fiction.
- Palmer, Jon. "House Full Of Brothers." F. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1973. OCLC EM NUC.
ILL Photocopy. novel.
- Shears, Carl L. "The Count-Down To Black Genocide." Saggittarus M. 2nd ed. Washington, DC:
NuClassics & Science Publishing Company, 1973113
ILL Photocopy.
PS3569.A33 C6 1973.
- Smith, Lois A. "The Most Precious Moments: Life Is One Long Chapter." Jezebelle F. 1st ed. Washington,
DC: NuClassics & Science Publishing Company, 1973. OCLC BM. 90. PZ4.J588 Mo 813/5/4 PS3560.E93.
- Underwood, Bert. "A Branch of Velvet." M. 1st at. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1973. OCLC NUC. 897. ILL Photocopy.
- Van Peebles, Melvin. "Don’t Play Us Cheap: A Harlem Party." M. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1973.
OCLC NUC. 124.
ILL cover copy.
PZ4.V2726 Do P53572.A52 813/5/4.
- Wideman, John Edgar. "The Lynchers." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973. OCLC. 264.
PZ4.W638 Ly PS3573.126 813/5/4.
- Williams, Dennis A. & Spero Pines. "Them That’s Not." M & 7 New York, NY: Emerson Hall, 1973. OCLC.
ILL Photocopy.
PS3573.1275 T5 1973.
- Wright, Charles. "Absolutely Nothing To Get Alarmed About." M. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux,
1973. OCLC NUC BM. 215.
ILL photocopy.
PZ4.W9477 Ab PS3573.R532 813/.5/4.
- Baldwin, James. "If Beale Street Could Talk." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1974. OCLC. 197 PS3552.A45 14 1974.
- Bennett, Hal. "Wait Until the Evening." M. 1st ed. New York: Doubleday, 1974. NUC Page. 258 PZ4.B4696 Wai PS3552.E546.
- Blair, John Paul. "Out of the Wind." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1974. OCLC. 329 PS3552.L3463 09.
- DuBois, Shirley Graham. "Zulu Heart." F. New York, NY: Third Press, 1974. OCLC. 235. PZ4.D815 Zu P53554.U258 813/5/4.
- Dunham, Katherine. "Kasamance: A Fantasy." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Odarkai Books, 1974. OCLC. 103 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.D918 Kas P53554.U468 813 .54.
- Easley, Nivi-Kofi A. "The Militants." M. New York, NY: Carlton Press, 1974. OCLC. 158. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.E13227 Mi PS3555.A685 813t5/4.
- Garrett, Beatrice. "Welfare on Skid Row." F. 1st at. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1974. OCLC. 175 ILL Photocopy.
P5355.A687 W4.
- Gober, Dom. "Black Cop." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. OCLC. 1.50 pbk. novel.
- Goines, Donald. "Crime Partners." Clark, Al C. M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. HH OCLC.
189 pbk. PS3557.033 C75.
- "Cry Revenge!" Clark, Al C. M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. HH OCLC. 214 pbk. PS3557.033 C784X.
- ---. "Daddy Cool." Clark, Al CM. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. I-LHOCLC. 217. PZ4.G59 Da.
- ---. "Death List." Clark, Al C. M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. HH OCLC. 183 novel.
- ---. "Eldorado Red." Clark, Al C. M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. HH OCLC. 219. F G615e.
- ---. "Kenyatta’s Escape." Clark, Al C. M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. HH OCLC. 215 novel.
- ---. "Never Die Alone." Clark, Al C. M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. RH OCLC. 216. PS3557.066 N4.
- ---. "Swamp Man." Clark, Al C. M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. HE OCLC. 218. P53557.0334 59.
- Hagan, Willie. "The Black Tarnished Image." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1974. OCLC. 128 PS3558.A32 B6.
- Harris, Randolph. "The Black Connection." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. OCLC NUC. 219. PZ4.H3 147 EL PS3558.A652 1974.
- ---. "Thickshot: The Story of a Black Pimp." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. OCLC. 225 novel.
- Heard, Nathan C. "A Cold Fire Burning." M. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1974. OCLC. 168. PZ4.H4346 Co PS3358.E25 8131.5/4.
- Hernton, Calvin C. "Scarecrow." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1974. OCLC NIJC. 293 PZ4.H559 Sc PS3558.E695 813/.5/4.
- Johnson, Charles R. "Faith And The Good Thing." M. New York, NY: Viking Press, 1974. OCLC. 196. PZ4.J6686 Fai PS3560.03733 813/.5/4.
- Leonard, Mack. "Cover My Rear." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1974. OCLC. 114. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.L5845 Co.
- Mallory, Roosevelt. "Radcliff #2: San Francisco Vendetta." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. OCLC. 221.
- ---. "Radcliff #3: Double Trouble." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. OCLC. 224 pbk. novel.
- Mays, James A. "Mercy Is King." M. Los Angeles, CA: Crescent Publication, 1974. OCLC. 186 ILL Photocopy.
PS3563.A9 M4 1974.
- McCluskey, John. "Look What They Done To My Song." M. 1st at. New York, NY: Random House, 1974. OCLC NUC BM. 251.
PZ4.M12668 Lo PS3563.A26218.
- Mills, Alison. "Francisco." F. Berkeley, CA: Reed, Cannon, & Johnson Communications Co., 1974. NUC
OCLC. 92.
ILL Photocopy.
813/.5/4 PZ4.M652 Fr PS3563.I4229.
- Murray, Albert. "Train Whistle Guitar." M. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1974. EM OCLC. 183. ILL cover copy.
PZ4.M97917 PS3563.U764 T73 8131.5/4.
- Nazet, Joseph. "The Black Exorcist." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. OCLC. 244 pbk. PS3564.A924 B563x.
pop fiction.
- ---. "Black Is Back: Black Series, No. 2." M. New York, NY: Pinnacle, 1974. OCLC. 177. pop fiction.
- ---. "Iceman #1: Billion Dollar Death." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. OCLC. 192 pbk. ILL photocopy.
PS3564.A924 B535x.
- ---. "Iceman #2: The Golden Shaft." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. OCLC. 217 pbk. ILL cover copy.
P53564.A924 G653x.
pop fiction.
- ---. "Iceman #3: Slick Revenge." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. OCLC. 218 pbk. ILL cover copy.
PS3564.A924 S536x.
pop fiction.
- ---. "Iceman #4: Sunday Fix." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. OCLC. 211 pbk. ILL cover copy.
PS3564.A924 S835x.
pop. fiction.
- ---. "Iceman #5: Spinning Target." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. OCLC. 224 pbk. ILL cover copy.
pop fiction.
- ---. "Iceman #6: Canadian Kill." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. OCLC BM. 224 pbk. Ill cover copy.
PS3527 813/.5/4.
pop fiction.
- ---. "Satan’s Master." Nazel, Joe M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. HH. 244 pop fiction.
- Olden, Marc. "Black Samurai." M. New York, NY: New American Library, 1974. OCLC BM. 167.
- ---. "Black Samurai #2: The Golden Kill." M. New York, NY: New American Library, 1974. OCLC BM.
- ---. "Black Samurai #3: Killer Warrior." M. New York, NY: New American Library, 1974. HE. 159. novel.
- ---. "Black Samurai #4: The Deadly Pearl." M. New York, NY: New American Library, 1974. BM. 153 pbk. novel.
- ---. "Black Samurai #5: The Inquisition." M. New York, NY: New American Library, 1974. HH. 170 pbk. novel.
- Parker, Percy Spurlark. "Good Girls Don’t Get Murdered." M. New York, NY: Scribner, 1974. OCLC BM.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.P2427 Go PS3566.A685 813/5/4.
- Perry, Richard. "Changes." M. 1st ed. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill, 1974. OCLC NUC BM. 175 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.P4645 Ch PS3566.E715 8131.5/4.
- Readus, James-Howard. "The Death Merchants." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1974. OCLC. 256 ILL cover copy.
PZ4.R289 De.
- Reed, Ishmael. "The Last Days of Louisiana Red." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Random House, 1974. OCLC.
PZ4.R323 Las PS3568.E365 813/5/4.
- Richards, Nat. "Otis Dunn, Manhunter." M. 1st ed. Port Washing, NY: Ashley Books, 1974. OCLC NTJC
BM. 125.
ILL cover copy.
PZ4.R517 PS3568.1316 813/5/4.
- Ross, Fran. "Oreo." F. New York, NY: Greyfalcon House, 1974. OCLC BM NUC. 212. ILL photocopy.
PZ4.R82254 Or PS3568.08433 813/.5/4.
- Shockley, Ann Allen. "Loving Her." F. 1st ed. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1974. OCLC BM.
ILL. Photocopy.
PZ4.55586 Lo PS3569.H568 8131.5/4.
- Smith, Vein E. "The Jones Men." M. Chicago, IL: Henry Regnery, 1974. OCLC NIJC. 287.
AANP copy. PZ4.S65897 Jo 813/.5/4 PS3569.M5394.
- Yerby, Frank. "The Voyage Unplanned." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1974464. ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.Y415Vo PS3547.E65 81315/4.
pop fiction.
- Allen, James and Geneva. "God Bless This Child." M & F. 1st ed. Hicksville, NY: Exposition Press, 1975. OCLC. 180.
PS3551.L525 b G6.
- Anderson, John L. "Night Of The Silent Drums: A Narrative Of Slave Rebellion In The Virgin Island." M. New York, NY: Scribner, 1975. OCLC. 448
PZ4.A54753 Ni PS3551.N368.
- Bottoms, Timothy L. "Mr. Schutzer." M. New York, NY: Carlton Press, 1975. OCLC. 63 PS3552.O85 M7.
- Bradley, David. "South Street." M. New York, NY: Grossman Publishers, 1975. OCLC. 340. PZ4.B7996So PS3552.R226 813/.5/4.
- Byer, Reggte "Nobody Gets Rich." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: vantage, 1975. OCLC. 153 novel.
- Delany, Samuel R "Dhalgren." M. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1975. OCLC. 879. PS3554.E437 D52 813/5/4.
Science fiction.
- DuBois, David Graham. "... And Bid Him Sing." M. 1st ed. Palo Alto, CA: Ramparts Press, 1975. OCLC.
PZ4.D8146 An P53554.U257 813/5/4.
- Faulkner, Blanche. "The Lively House." F. Los Angeles, CA: Crescent Publications, 1975. OCLC. 183 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.F26 Li P53556.A93 8131,5/4.
- Gober, Dom. "Doomsday Squad." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1975. OCLC. 220 pbk. novel.
- ---. "Killer Cop." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1975. OCLC. 215 pbk. novel.
- Comes, Donald. "Inner City Hoodlum." Clark, Al C. M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1975. OCLC I-il-I. 224.
- ---. "Kenyatta’s Last Hit." Clark, Al C. M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1975. HE OCLC.
- Hanson, Harvey. "Game Time." M. New York: Franklin Watts, 1975. NUC. 87. PZ7.H19834 Cam.
- Harris, Charlie A. "Board Players." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1975. OCLC. 220 pbk. novel.
- Hart, Marcus A. "The Lover With a Killer’s Instinct." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Exposition Press, 1975.
OCLC NUC. 130.
ILL Photocopy.
PS3558.A7935 L6.
- Jackson, Blyden. "Totem." M. New York, NY: Third Press, 1975. OCLC. 208. ILL Photocopy.
- Johnson, Eugene D. "Of Human Kindness." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1975. OCLC. 142. ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.J62 Of. novel.
- Jones, Gayl. "Corregidora." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Random House, 1975. OCLC. 185. PZ4.J7553 Co PS3560.0463 813/5/4.
- Leonard, Mack. "From Love To Love." M. Reseda, CA: Mojave Books, 1975. OCLC. 140. PS3562.E58 F7.
- Major, Clarence. "Reflex And Bone Structure." M. 1st ed. Brooklyn, NY: Fiction Collective, 1975. OCLC NUC. 145.
PZ4.M23Re PS3563.A39 813/5/4
- Moore, Marie Eslanda. "Little White Shoes." F. 1st ed. Hicksville, NY: Exposition Press, 1975. OCLC BM.
ILL Photocopy.
PS3563.O6195 Li
- Nazel, Joseph. "The Black Gestapo." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1975. OCLC BM NUC. 221 ILL cover copy.
813 N2376.
pop fiction.
- ---. "Death for Hire" M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1975. OCLC BM 1111. pop fiction.
- ---. "Iceman #7: The Shakedown." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1975. OCLC. 211
813 N237s.
pop fiction.
- ---. "Killer Cop." 1km Gober M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1975. pop fiction.
- ---. "No Place to Die" M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1975. NUC OCLC. 244. ILL cover copy.
813/. 54.
pop fiction.
- Olden, Marc. "Black Samurai #6: The Warlock." M. New York, NY: New American Library, EM. 153.
1975. OCLC
- ---. "Black Samurai #7: Sword of Allah." M. New York, NY: New American Library, 1975. EM. 152. novel.
- ---. "Black Samurai #8: The Katana." M. New York, NY: New American Library, 1975. OCLC BM. 168. PZ4.04045.
- Pharr, Robert Deane. "The Soul Murder Case: A Confession of the Victim." M. New York, NY: Avon, 1975.
OCLC NUt. 159.
ILL cover copy.
PZ4.P536 So P53566.H3 813/5/4.
- Polite, Carlene Hatcher. "Sister X And The Victims of Foul Play." F. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1975. OCLCBMNUC. 145
ILL cover copy.
PZ4.P7674 Si PS3566.047 813/5/4.
- Readus, James-Howard. "The Big Hit." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1975. OCLC EM NUC. 222. ILL cover copy.
813 R227b. novel.
- ---. "The Black Assassin." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1975. OCLC. 224 pl*. ILL photovopy.
novel. - Robinson, Arthur. "Hang That Nigger." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1975. OCLC NUC BM.
ILL Photocopy. novel.
- Rudolph, Christopher. "The Boy Who Cursed God." M. New York, NY: Canton Press, 1975. OCLC BM
NUC. 39.
ILL cover copy.
PS3568.U3531 B691 1975.
- Shackleford, Frank. "Old Rocking Chair." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1975. OCLC BM NUC.
ILL Photocopy.
813.hll 3o.
- Tillman, Carolyn. "Life On Wheels." F. Los Angeles, CA: Crescent Publications, 1975. OCLC BM. 98. ILL cover copy. same as EVEN THE SPOKES CRIED LOUD published by Crescent, 1977. novel.
- Tracy, Robert Archer. "The Sword of Nemesis." M. New York, NY: AMS Press, 1975. OCLC EM NUC. 317
ILL cover copy.
PZ3.T67428 Sw7 PR9272.9.T7 823.
- Williams, John A. Alfred. "Mothersill And The Foxes." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1975. OCLC. 239.
PZ4.72624 Mo PS3573.14495 813/5/4.
- Wms-Forde, Bily. "Requiem For A Black American Capitalist." Williams-Fords, EiIy f. New York, NY:
Trois’eme Canadian, 1975. OCLC. 285
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.W838 813/5/4 P53573MB.
- Yerby, Frank. "Tobias And The Angel." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1975315 ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.Y415 To PS3547.E65 813/5/4.
pop fiction.
- Young, Al. "Who Is Angelina." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1975. EW OCLC. 280
PZ4.Y67 Wh PS3575.068 813/.5/4.
- Beason, Mattie. "West To The Ohio River." F. Los Angeles, CA: Crescent Publications, 1976. OCLC. 153
ILL Photocopy.
P53552.E278 W474x.
- Bennett, Hal. "Seventh Heaven." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1976. OCLC. 263. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.E4696 Se PS3552.E546 813/5/4.
- Boullbon, 1. M. "Surrender the Dream." M. Philadelphia, PA: Donnance, 1976. OCLC. 62. novel.
- Brown, Handy Nereus. "The Necromancer Or Voo-Doo Doctor: A Story Based On Facts." M. reprint of the ed. published privately in Opelika, Ala ed. New York, NY: AMS Press, 1976. OCLC BIP. 101 PZ3.B8158 Ne9 P53503.R81555 813/5/2.
- Butler, Octavia. "Patternmaster." F. 1st cd. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1976. OCLC. 186. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.B98674 Pat PS355.U827 813/5/4.
science fiction.
- Delany, Samuel R. "Triton." M. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1976. OCLC. 369. ILL Photocopy.
Science fiction.
- Dickens, Al. "Uncle YAH YALH." M. Detroit, MI: Harlo Press, 1976. OCLC. 135 novel.
- Dumas, Henry. "Jonoah And The Green Stone." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Random
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.D88774 Jo3 PS3554.U43 813. 5 4.
House, 1976. OCLC.
- Gilmer, J. Lance. "Hell Has No Exit." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1976. OCLC. novel.
- Girard, James P. "Changing All Those Changes." M. Berkeley, CA: Yardbird Wing Ed., 1976. OCLC. PZ4.G519 813/5/4 PS 3557 165.
- Gober, Dom. "Killing Ground." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1976. OCLC. novel.
- Goodson, Felix E. "Sweet Salt." M. Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Comp., 1976. OCLC. 295. PZ4.G6565 SW P53557.0614.
- Greenlee, Sam. "Baghdad Elues." M. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1976. OCLC NUC. 185. novel.
- Harris, Charlie A. "Macking Gangster." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1976. OCLC BM NUC. 215 novel.
- ---. "Whore-Daughter." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1976. OCLC NUC EM. 224. novel.
- Harris, Elbert L. "Sojourn in Persepolis: Xerxes After Salantis." M. Chicago, IL: Adams Press, 1976.
PZ4.H313SSo PS3558.A6444 813.54.
PZ4 H3135 So PS3558 A6444 813 5/4.
- Jefferson, Roland S. "The School on 103rd Street." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1976. OCLC,
the same as THE SECRET BELOW 103RD STREET publshed by Holloway House, 1976. P53560.E4 S2.
- ---. "The Secret Below 103rd Street." M. Los Angeles, Ca.: Holloway House, 1976166
same as THE SCHOOL ON 103RD STREET published by Vantage Press, 1976. novel.
- Jones, Gayl. "Eva’s Man." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Random House, 1976. OCLC. 177. PZ4.J7553 Ev PS3560.O483 813/5/4.
- Lawson, William. "Zeppelin Coming Down.". 1st ed. Berkeley, CA: Yardbird Wing Editions, 1976.
OCLC. 275.
ILL cover copy.
PZ4.L4248 2c PS5362.A952 813/5/4.
- Lyons, Charles. "Street Justice." Is Said M. 1st ed. Columbus, OH: Lyons Production, 1976. NIJC OCLC. 31
ILL photocopy.
PS3562.Y448 S7.
novel? determine.
- Mallory, Roosevelt. "Radcliff #4: New Jersey Showdown." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1976.
OCLC. 224.
ILL photocopy.
PS3563.A5 RB.
- Nazel, Joseph. "Black Fury." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1976. OCLC. pop fiction.
- ---. "Black Prophet." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1976. EM Nt.TC OCLC. pop fiction.
- ---. "Black Uprising." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1976223 pop fiction.
- Olden, Marc. "The Harker File." M. New York, NY: New American Library, 1976. OCLC. 206. ILL photocopy.
- Painter, Charlotte. "Seeing Things." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Random House, 1976. OCLC NUC BM. 235 ILL cover copy.
PZ4.P148 Se P53566.A346 813/5/4.
- Readus, James-Howard. "Black Renegades." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1976. OCLC HH. 221 ILL cover copy.
- Reed, Ishmael. "Flight To Canada." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Random House, 1976. OCLC NUC EM. 179
PZ4.R323 Fl PS3568.E365 813/5/4.
- Rhodes, Han. "The Hollow and the Human." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1976. OCLC NUC.
ILL Photocopy.
PS3568.H6 HG.
- Roberts, Walter A. "The Top Floor Killer." M. 1st ed. London, England: Nicholson & Watson, 1976. OCLC
BMNUC. 319.
ILL cover copy.
PS3535.O1793T67 1976.
- Shange, Ntozake. "Sassafrass: A Novella." F. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1976. OCLC BM.
PZ4.S52775 Sas PS3569.H3324 813/.5/4.
- Van Peebles, Melvin. "Just An Old Sweet Song." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Ballantine, Random House,
1976. OCLC. 153 pbk. ILL Photocopy. novel.
- Walker, Mice. "Meridian." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976. OCLC BM. 228 PZ4.W176 Me PS3573.A425.
- Williams, John A. Alfred. "The Junior Bachelor Society." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1976.
OCLC. 247.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.W72624 Ju P53573.14495 813/5/4.
- Yerby, Frank. "A Rose for Ana Maria." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1976250. ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.Y415Ro PS3547.E65 813/5/4.
pop fiction.
- Young, Al. "Sitting Pretty." M. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1976. BW OCLC. 254. PZ4.Y675i PS3575.O68 913/5/4.
- Austin, Milton Lee. "Uncle Tom Willie." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1977. OCLC. 72 PZ4.A92 Un.
- Barker, Ben. "The Time of the Terrorists." M. Los Angeles, CA: Crescent, 1977. OCLC. 21g. ILL Photocopy.
813.54 B241t.
- Beck, Robert. "Death Wish." Iceberg Slim M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House Publishing Co., 1977. pop fiction.
- ---. "Long White Con; Trick Baby’s Newest Score!" Iceberg Slim M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House,
1977. OCLC. 224
pop fiction.
- Brooke, Amos. "Doing Time."lst ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1977. NH. 224. F. Bro.
pop fiction.
- ---. "the Last Toke." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1977. HE. 224 F.Bro.
pop fiction.
- Butler, Octavia. "Mind of My Mind." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Doubleday, 1977. OCLC. 168. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.B98674 Mi PS3552.U827 813/5/4.
science fiction.
- Dodson, Owen. "Come Home Early, Child." M. New York, NY: Popular Library, 1977. OCLC. 221 ILL Photocopy.
813/. 5/4.
- Fletcher, Omar. "Black Against the Mob." M. Los Angeles: Holloway House Pub, Co, 1977. NH. 224 novel.
- ---. "Black Godfather." M. Los Angeles: Holloway House, 1977. OCLC. 224. novel.
- ---. "Hurrican Man." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1977. OCLC. 244. novel.
- ---. "Walking Black and Tall." M. Los Angeles: Holloway House, 1977. OCLC. 224. novel.
- Forrest, Leon. "The Bloodworth Orphans."M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Random House, PZ4.F72883 B1 PS3556.0738 813/5/4.
1977. OCLC. 383
- Gilmer, I. Lance. "Hell Is Forever." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1977. OCLC. 224 novel.
- Glass, Frankcina. "Marvin & Tige." F. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1977. OCLC NUC. 232 PZ4.G5494 Mar PS3557.L317 813/.5/4.
- Harris, Charlie A. "Black & Deadly." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1977. OCLC NUC BM.
- Hawkins, Odie. "Chicago Hustle 2" M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1977. OCLC. 224. novel.
- Heard, Nathan C. "When Shadows Fall." M. 1st ed. Chicago, IL: Playboy Press, 1977. DLB. 235 novel.
- Jefferson, Xavier. "Blessed Are the Sleepy Ones." M. 1st ed. Port Washington, NY: Ashley Books, 1977.
OCLC. 308.
PZ4.J4555 B1 PS3560.E418 813/54.
- Morrison, Toni. "Song Of Solomon." F. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1977. OCLC. 377. PZ4.M883.So P53563.08147 813/5/4.
- Olden, Marc. "Wellington’s." M. New York: New American Library, 1977342 ILL photocopy.
PZ4.04145 We.
- Tillman, Carolyn. "Even the Spokes Cried Loud." F. Los Angeles: Crescent, 1977. OCLC. 113 same as LIFE ON WHEELS.
- Van Peebles, Melvin. "The True American, A Folk Fable." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Doubleday, 1977208. ILL Photocopy.
- Wise, Leonard. "The Big Biazarro." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1977. OCLC NUC. 278. PZ4.W8125 Bi P53575.179 813/5/4.
- Andrews, Raymond. "Appalachee Red." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1978. OCLC. 283 PZ4.A5546 Ap PS3551.N452.
- Blame, Laurence. "Sweet Street Blues." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway F. Bla.
House, 1978. NJ.]. 220.
pop fiction.
- Brooke, Amos. "Black in White Paradise." Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, F. Bro.
1978. NH. 218
pop fiction.
- Brown, Wesley. "Tragic Magic." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Random House, 1978. OCLC. 169 ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.B88l182 Tr PS3552.R7382 813.5.4.
- Butler, Octavia. "Survivor." F. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1978. OCLC. 185 PZ4.B9867 Su PS3552.U827 813/5/4.
science fiction.
- Caner, Frank B. "Mendacity Without Scruples."M. 1st ed. OCLCNUC. 291.
Port Washington, NY: Ashley Books, 1978.
- Cleveland, Charles & De Jough James." City Cool."M. 1st PZ4.D326Ci PS3554.E426 813/5/4.
ed. New York, NY: Random House, 1978184.
- Cooper. Ted G. "Obeah, the God of Voodoo." M. 1st ed. Washington, DC: Nuclassics and Science Publishers, 1978. OCLC MAC. 316.
PZ4.C7792 Ob PS3553.0624 813/5/4.
- De Jongh, James & Cleveland Charles. "City Cool."M & M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Random House, 1978.
OCLC. 184.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.D326 Ci PS3554.E426 C51 813.54.
- Delany, Samuel R. "Empire: A Visual Novel." M. lsted. New York: Berkley Pub, corn., 1978112. PZ4.D388 El P53554.E437 813.54.
Visual novel.
- Demby, William. "Love Story Black." M. New York, NY: Reed, Cannon & Johnson co, 1978. OCLC. 125. PZ3.D3923 Lo PS3567.E5346 813.54.
- Faulkner, Blanche. "The Storm Is Over." F. Los Angeles, Ca: Crescent Pub., 1978196 p1*. novel.
- Fletcher, Omar. "Miss Annie." M. 1st cd. Los Angeles: Holloway House, 1978. NUC OCLC. 224. novel.
- Gaines, Ernest J. "In My Father’s House." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf. 1978.
ILL cover copy.
PZ4.G1422 In 1978 PS3557.A355 813/5/4.
- Grant, J. Jason. "Coal." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1978. OCLC. 256 novel.
- Grant, J. Jason. "Dugout Brother." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1978. OCLC. 224. novel.
- Harris, Charlie A. "Con Man." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1978. RH. 223 novel.
- ---. "Fast Track." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1978. OCLC NUC EM. 223 novel.
- Hoffman, Ercell H. "The Acknowledgment." F. Los Angeles, CA: Crescent Publications, 1978193 AANP copy.
- Howel, Terry K. "Black Heritage." lst ed. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1978. OCLC EM. 244 PS3558.O897 PZ4.A8587 El 813/5/4.
- Hunter, Kristin. "The Lakestown Rebellion." F. New York, NY: Scribner, 1978. OCLC EM. 314 PZ4.H9457 Lak PS 3558.U483 813/5/4.
- Jefferson, Roland S. "A Card for the Players." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: New Bedford Press, 1978. OCLC NUC. 341.
PZ4.J4553 Car PS3560.E415 813/5/4.
- Jefferson, Xavier. "Winterkill." M. Port Washington, NY: Ashley Books, 1978. OCLC. 199. fic.
- Jourdain, Rose.
OCLC. 472.
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.J8529 Th PS3560.0834 813/5/4.
"Those, The Sun Has Loved." F. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1978. NUC EM
- Mays, James A. "Charneleon." M. Los Angeles, CA: Crescent Publisher, 1978. OCLC. 155 ILL Photocopy.
PS3563.A9 P44 1978.
- Meaddough, R. J. "The Retarded Genius." M. New York, NY: Troiseme-Canadian Pub., 1978. OCLC, 258. ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.M4789 Re PS3563.E1683 813/5/4.
- Nazel, Joseph. "Dr. Feel Good." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1978. OCLC. 220. ILL cover copy.
pop fiction.
- ---. "Spider’ s Web." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1978. RH. 216. pop.flction.
- Olden, Marc. "Poe Must Die." M. New York, NY: Charter, 1978. OCLC BM. 466 ILL Photocopy.
- Pharr, Robert Deane. "Giveadamn Brown." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1978. OCLC NUC. 212
ILL Photocopy.
PZ4.P536 Gi P53566.H33 813/5/4.
- Smith, Patrick. "Angel City." M. 1st ed. St.Petersburg, FL: Valkyrie Press, 1978. OCLC EM. 190 PZ4.S6563 An 813/5/4 P53569.M53785.
- Walker, Wilbert L. "The Pride of Our Hearts." M. 1st ed. Hicksville, NY: Exposition Press, 1978. OCLC NUC BM. 245.
PZ4.W18612 Pr PS3537.A42542 81315/4.
- Wise, Leonard. "The Diggstown Ringers." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1978. OCLC NUC. 399. PZ4.W8125 Di P53573.179 813/5/4.
- Yerby, Frank. "Hail The Conquering Hero." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1978530. ILL Photocopy.
PZ3.Y415 Hai P53545.E65 813/5/4.
pop fiction.
- Baldwin, James. "Just Above My Head." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1979. OCLC. 597. PZ4.B18 Ju PS3552.A45 813/5/4.
- Beck, Robert. "Airtight Willie & Me." Iceberg Slim M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1979. OCLC.
215 pit. PS3552.E25 134.
pop fiction.
- Brawley, Ernest. "Selena." lst ed. New York: Atheneum, 1979315 PZ4.B8264 Se PS3552.R356.
- Butler, Octavia. "Kindred." F. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1979. OCLC. 264. PZ4.B98674 Ki PS3552.U827 813/5/4.
- Chase-Riboud, Barbara. "Sally Heming: A Novel." F. New York: Viking Press, 1979. NUC. 384. PZ4.C4888 Sal P53553.11336.
- Childress, Alice. "A Short Walk." F. New York, NY: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1979. OCLC NUC.
PZ4.C5335 Sh P53505.h76 813/5/4.
- Fletcher, Omar. "Escape From Death Row." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1979. OCLC. 216 pbk. PZ4. P53536 813/5/4.
- Grant, J. Jason. "Bitch." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1979222 novel.
- ---. "The Square Jungle." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1979. OCLC. 220. novel.
- Hawkins, Odie. "Sweet Peter Deeder." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1979217. novel.
- Olden, Marc. "Gossip." M. New York, NY: Fawcett Gold Medal, 1979. OCLC. 383
- Pugh, Charles. "The Hospital Plot." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Ashley Books, 1979. OCLC BM. 268. ILL cover copy.
- Southerland, Ellease. "Let The Lion Eat Straw." ?. New York, NY: Scribner, 1979. OCLC BM. 181 ILL cover copy.
PZ4.S7276 Le PS3569.0765 813/5/4.
- Wise, Leonard. "Dumachas And Sheba." M. 1st ed. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1979. OCLC NUC. 276. PZ4.W8125 Du PS3573.179 813/5/4.
- Yerby, Frank. "A Darkness in Ingraham’s Crest." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Dial, 1979. OCLC NUC. 710. ILL Photocopy.
pop. fiction.
PZ3.Y415 Dar PS3547.E65 813/5/4.
- Panger, Daniel. "Joanna, the Pope." M. San Jose, CA: Resource Publications.
- Taylor, Esther. "Colorblind." F. Port Washington, NY: Ashley Books. OCLC. PZ4.T2414 Co PS3570.A9287 813.54.
- Butler, Octavia E. "Adulthood Rites." New York: Warner Books, 188277. PS3552.U827 A65 1988.
- Butler, Octavia. "Clay's Ark." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 198. OCLC. 201 P53552.U827 C55 1984.
- Wideman, John Edgar. "Philadelphia Fire." M. New York: H Holt & Co, 1900.
- Holmes, Butch. "Black Rage." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1975. OCLC. 221
- Colter, Cyrus. "Night Studies." lst ed. Chicago: Swallow Press, 1979774. PZ4.C7243 Ni PS3553.O477 813/54.
- Andrew, Raymond. "Rosiebelle Lee Wildcat Tennessee." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1980 245 PZ4.A5546 Ro PS3551.N452 813.5.4.
- Beckham, Bariy. "Double Dunk." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1980. OCLC. 250. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1980.
PS3552.U827w54 813/5/4.
- Butler, Octavia E. "Wild Seed." F. Garden City, NY: Doublday, 1980.
- Ebersohn, Wessell. "A Lonely Place To Die: A Novel Of Suspense." M. MEG. New York, NY: Vintage Books, 1980.
- Gay, John. "The Brightening Shadow." M. Atlanta, GA: Intercultural Press, 1980. OCLC. 280 pbk. Sequel to: Red dust on the Green Leaves.
PS3557.A98 B75 1980.
- Groom, Winston. "As Summers Die." M. New York, NY: Summit Books, 1980. OCLC. 277.
813.54 Gro.
- Mitchell, Lionell. "Travelling Light." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Seaview Books, 1980. OCLC. 314. PZ4.M682 Tr PS3563.17678 813.54 19.
- Nazel, Joseph. "Richard Poor." Joe Nazel M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway, l98O pbk.
- Noyes, Henry. "Hand Over Fist." M. Boston, MA: South End Press, 1980. OCLC. 322 pbk. PS3564.O96H3 813.54 19.
- Shockley, Ann Allen. "The Black And White Of It." F. Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1980. OCLC. 125 pbk. PS3569.H568 B5 1987 813.54.
- Taylor, Mildred D. "Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry." F. Penguin Books, 1980220 pbk.
- Williamson, Henry. "To Be Self-Evidemt." M. ek, ftv. New York, NY: Vantage, 1980.
- Wilson, Merzie. "Nealites: Doc Genius and Henry the Stud." F. New York, NY: Vantage, 1980. OCLC. 256. PS3573.145 N43.
- Young, Al. "Ask Me Now." M. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980
- Barnes, Stephen and Larry Niven. "Dream Park." M. DLB. New York, NY: Ace Books, 1981. in print.
- Bradley, David. "The Chaneysville Incident." M. New York, NY: Harper & Row, 1981. Being and Race by Charles John.
- Branch, Kip. "Gnawing at My Soul." New York, Ny: Richard Marek, 1981. OCLC. 204. P53552.112912 G59.
- Delany, Samuel. "Distant Star." M. New York: Bantam, 1981. James Page.
- Ebersohn, Wessell. "Divide the Night." M. MEG. New York, NY: Pantheon Books, 1981.
- ---. "Store Up the Anger." M. Freedomways Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1981.
- Fuller, Chet. "I Hear Them Calling My Name a Journey Through the New South." M. Freedomways. Boston, MA: Houghton Muffin, 1981.
- Gunn, Bill. "Rhinestone Sharecropping." M. 1st ed. Berkeley, CA: Reed and Cannon, 1981193 PS3537.U485R5 1981.
- Jones, Gayl. "Song for Anniho." F. 1st ed. Detroit: Lotus Press, 1981 88 pbk. PS3560.0483 So 811/5/4.
- Jones, Jessie. "Midnight�s Daughter." ? Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1981. OCLC. 247 pbk.
- Kaye, M. M. Mary Margaret. "Trade Wind." F. New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1981553
- Mason, Clifford. "When Love Was Not Enough." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Playboy Paperback, 1981.
OCLC. 271 pbk.
ILL Photocopy.
P53563.A8 W48.
- Morrison, Toni. "Tar Baby." F. New York, NY: Knopf, 1981. OCLC. 305. PS3 563. 08749T3 7.
- Myers, Walter Dean. "The Legend Of Tarik." M. MEG. New York, NY: Viking Press, 1981.
- Panger, Daniel. "The Sacred Sin." M. New York, NY: Pinnacle Books, 1981352
- Parks, Gordon. "Shannon." M. 1st ed. Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 1981. OCLC. 402. PS3566.A73 551981.
- Saunders, Charles R. "Imaro." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: DAW Books, 1981. OCLC. 208. 1st book in the author's IMARO series. Sequel: THE QUEST FOR CUSH.
P53569.A815 1532 1981.
- Saunders, Earl. "The Investigation." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1981. OCLC. 219 pbk.
- Taylor, Mildred. "Let the Circle Be Unbroken." F. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1981. OCLC. 443
- Wideman, John Edgar. "Damballah." M. New York, NY: Avon Books, 1981. OCLC. 205 pbk. P53573.126 D3 1981.
- "Hiding Place." M. MEG. New York, NY: Avon Hooks, 1981.
- Woods, Stuart. "Chiefs." M. MEG. New York, NY: Norton, 1981.
- Wylie, James. "The Sign Of Dawn." M. New York, NY: Viking Press, 1981. OCLC. 344. PS3573.V54 S5 1981.
- Assister, Earl. "The Ebony Image" M. Ashley. Port Washing, NY: Ashley Books, 1982
- Barnes, Stephen and Larry Nivens. "The Descent of Anansi." M. Yarborough. New York, NY: Tor Books, 1982.
- Dclany, Samuel R. "Neverybona, or, the Tale of Signs and Cities." M. 1st ed. New York: Bantam Books, 1982331
PS3554.E437 N4 l982p.
- Johnson, Charles R. "Oxherding Tale." M. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982 176. PS3560.03735 090 1982 813/54.
- Kincaid, Jamaica Jamaican living in NY. "Annie John." F. New York, NYY: Plume, American Library,
1982. OCLC. 148.
Jamaican writer living in NY.
PR9276.A583K5634 813.54.
- Lorde, Andre. "Zami, A New Spelling of My Name." F. 1st ed. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1982. OCLC. 256 pbk.
PS3562.075Z23 1982 813.54 19.
- Molloy, Tom. "The Green Light." M. Boston, MA: Charles River Books, 1982. OCLC. 205. PS3563.041807 1982 813.54 19.
- Myers, Walter Dean. "Won't Know Till I Get There." M. MEG. New York, NY: Viking Pres, 1982.
- Naylor, Gloria. "The Women Of Brewster Place." F. New York, NY: Viking Press, 1982. OCLC. 192 P53564.A895W6 1982.
- Nazel, Joseph. "Devil Doll." Joe Nazel M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1982202 pbk.
- "Every Goodbye Ain't Gone." Joe Nazel M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1982223 pbk.
- Olden, Marc. "A Dangerous Glamour." M. New York, NY: Fawcett, 1982. OCLC. 394 pbk.
- ---. "Giri."M. New York, NY: Arbor House, 1982. OCLC. 299. PS3565.L29 G5 1982.
- Panger, Daniel. "Black Ulysees." M. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 1982. OCLC. 402 PS3566.A57 B5 1982 813.54.
- ---. "Search in Gomorrah."M. New York, NY: Dembner Books, 1982. OCLC. 243 PS3566.A57 S4 1982 813.54.
- ---. "You Can't Kill ADeadMan." M. New York, NY: Leisure Books, 1982. OCLC. 206.
- Reed, Ishmeal. "The Terrible Twos." M. New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1982. OCLC. 178 PS3568.E365 T4 1982.
- Shange, Ntozake. "Sassafras, Cypress & Indigo." F. 1st ed. New York: St. Martin's
- Press, 1982224. PS3569.H3324 S2 1982 813/54.
- Shockley, Ann Allen. "Say Jesus and Come To Me." F. MEG. New York, NY: Avon Hooks, 1982.
- Walker, Alice. "The Color Purple." F. New York, NY Washington Square Press, 1982. OCLC. 253 pbk.
- Ward, Frederick. "A Room Full Of Balloons." M. Plattsburg, NY: Tundra Books, 1982. OCLC. 154 PS3573.A733 R6 1981.
- Williams, John A. "Click Song." M. MEG. Boston, MA: Houghton Muffin, 1982.
- Yerby, Frank. "Western: A Saga of the Great Plains." M MEG New York, NY: Dial Ness, 1982.
- Andrews, Raymond. "Baby Sweets." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1983. OCLC. 212. P53551.N452 B3 1983.
- Barnes, Stephen. "Streetlethal." M. Yarborough. Berkley, Ace, 1983. in print.
- Bertrand, Yolande. "A Play For Love." F. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983 182.
- Elaine, Laurence. "Black Muscle." M. HH. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983.
- Brown, Cecil. "Days Without Weather." M. 1st ed. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1983249 ILL PHOTOCOPY.
P53552.R6853 D3 1983.
- Charters, Samuel Barclay. "Mr. Jabi And Mr. Smythe; A Novel." M. Boyers, 1983 190.
- DeCoy, Robert H. "Cold Black Preach." M. HE. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983.
- Dumas, Glenda. "The Rootworker." F. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983. OCLC. 253
- Everett, Percival. "Suder." M. New York, NY: Viking Press, 1983. OCLC. 171 P53555.V34S9 1983 1983 813.54 19.
- ---. "Walk Me To The Distance." M. New York, NY: Ticknor and Fields, 1983. OCLC. 209. PS 3555.V34W3 1985 813.54 19.
- Forrest, Leon. "Two Wings to Veil My Face." M. 1st ed. New York: Random House, 1983296.
PS3556.0738 T85 1983 813154.
- Gaines, Ernest J. "A Gethering Of Old Men." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Knopf, 1983. OCLC. 213. PS3557.A355G3 1983.
- Gilbert, Herman Cromwell. "The Negotiations." M. Chicago, Il: Path Press, 1983. OCLC. 381 PS3557.1342N4 1983.
- Guy, Rosa. "A Measure of Time." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1983365. PS3557.U93 M4 1983 813/54 19.
- Harris, Randolph. "Trickshot." M. HE. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983.
- Hawkins, Odie. "Chicago Hustle." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway, l983 pbk.
- ---. "Sweet Peter Deeder." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway, 1983.
- Heard, Nathan C. "House of Slammers." M. New York: Macmillan, 1983246.
PS3558.E25 H6 1983 813.54 19.
- Heath, Roy A. "Kwaku, Or the Man Who Could Not Keep His Mouth Shut." M. Bl. Scholar. New York, NY: Schocken Books, 1983.
- Jeffers, Lance. "Witherspoon." M. Atlanta, GA: The George A. Flippin Press, 1983. OCLC. 253 P53560.E37W57 1983.
- Lezan, Joyce. "Heartbeat." F. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983. OCLC. 176
- ---. "Lover�s Holiday." F. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983. OCLC. 189
- ---. "Spring Embrace." F. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983. OCLC. 186 pbk.
- Marshall, Paule. "Praisesong for the Widow." F. New York, NY: Putnam�s, 1983. OCLC. 256. PS3563.A7223P7 1983 813.54 19.
- McCluskey, John. "Mr. America�s Last Season Blues." M. Baton Rogue, LA: LSU Press, 1983. Being and Race. 243
- Nazel, Joseph. "Satan�s Master." Joe Nazel M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway, l983pbk.
- Norton, Kimberly. "Passion's Surrender." F. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983. OCLC. 188.
- ---. "Snowfire." F. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983. OCLC. 192.
- Olden, Marc "Dai-Sho " M New York, NY: Arbor House, 1983 381 PS3565.L29D3 1983 813/5/4 19.
- Wideman, John Edgar. "Sent For You Yesterday." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Avon Books, 1983. OCLC.
- Winston, Betty. "The Africans." F. Wayne, PA: Banbury, 1983. OCLC. 488. PS3573.15335 A7 1983.
- Woods, Stuart. "Run Before the Wind." : Norton, 1983 337.
- Yerby, Frank. "Pride�s Castle." M. Thorndike Press, 1983 657 Large print ed.
- Panger, Daniel. "Joanna, the Pope." M. San Jose, CA: Resource Publications.
- Taylor, Esther. "Colorblind." F. Port Washington, NY: Ashley Books. OCLC. PZ4.T2414 Co PS3570.A9287 813.54.
- Butler, Octavia E. "Adulthood Rites." New York: Warner Books, 188277. PS3552.U827 A65 1988.
- Butler, Octavia. "Clay's Ark." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 198. OCLC. 201 P53552.U827 C55 1984.
- Wideman, John Edgar. "Philadelphia Fire." M. New York: H Holt & Co, 1900.
- Holmes, Butch. "Black Rage." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1975. OCLC. 221
- Colter, Cyrus. "Night Studies." lst ed. Chicago: Swallow Press, 1979774. PZ4.C7243 Ni PS3553.O477 813/54.
- Andrew, Raymond. "Rosiebelle Lee Wildcat Tennessee." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1980245 PZ4.A5546 Ro PS3551.N452 813.5.4.
- Beckham, Bariy. "Double Dunk." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1980. OCLC. 250. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1980.
PS3552.U827w54 813/5/4.
- Butler, Octavia E. "Wild Seed." F. Garden City, NY: Doublday, 1980.
- Ebersohn, Wessell. "A Lonely Place To Die: A Novel Of Suspense." M. MEG. New York, NY: Vintage Books, 1980.
- Gay, John. "The Brightening Shadow." M. Atlanta, GA: Intercultural Press, 1980. OCLC. 280 pbk. Sequel to: Red dust on the Green Leaves.
PS3557.A98 B75 1980.
- Groom, Winston. "As Summers Die." M. New York, NY: Summit Books, 1980. OCLC. 277.
813.54 Gro.
- Mitchell, Lionell. "Travelling Light." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Seaview Books, 1980. OCLC. 314. PZ4.M682 Tr PS3563.17678 813.54 19.
- Nazel, Joseph. "Richard Poor." Joe Nazel M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway, l98O pbk.
- Noyes, Henry. "Hand Over Fist." M. Boston, MA: South End Press, 1980. OCLC. 322 pbk. PS3564.O96H3 813.54 19.
- Shockley, Ann Allen. "The Black And White Of It." F. Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1980. OCLC. 125 pbk. PS3569.H568 B5 1987 813.54.
- Taylor, Mildred D. "Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry." F. Penguin Books, 1980220 pbk.
- Williamson, Henry. "To Be Self-Evidemt." M. ek, ftv. New York, NY: Vantage, 1980.
- Wilson, Merzie. "Nealites: Doc Genius and Henry the Stud." F. New York, NY: Vantage, 1980. OCLC. 256. PS3573.145 N43.
- Young, Al. "Ask Me Now." M. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980
- Barnes, Stephen and Larry Niven. "Dream Park." M. DLB. New York, NY: Ace Books, 1981. in print.
- Bradley, David. "The Chaneysville Incident." M. New York, NY: Harper & Row, 1981. Being and Race by Charles John.
- Branch, Kip. "Gnawing at My Soul." New York, Ny: Richard Marek, 1981. OCLC. 204. P53552.112912 G59.
- Delany, Samuel. "Distant Star." M. New York: Bantam, 1981. James Page.
- Ebersohn, Wessell. "Divide the Night." M. MEG. New York, NY: Pantheon Books, 1981.
- ---. "Store Up the Anger." M. Freedomways Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1981.
- Fuller, Chet. "I Hear Them Calling My Name a Journey Through the New South." M. Freedomways. Boston, MA: Houghton Muffin, 1981.
- Gunn, Bill. "Rhinestone Sharecropping." M. 1st ed. Berkeley, CA: Reed and Cannon, 1981193 PS3537.U485R5 1981.
- Jones, Gayl. "Song for Anniho." F. 1st ed. Detroit: Lotus Press, 1981 88 pbk. PS3560.0483 So 811/5/4.
- Jones, Jessie. "Midnight's Daughter." ? Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1981. OCLC. 247 pbk.
- Kaye, M. M. Mary Margaret. "Trade Wind." F. New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1981553
- Mason, Clifford. "When Love Was Not Enough." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Playboy Paperback, 1981.
OCLC. 271 pbk.
ILL Photocopy.
P53563.A8 W48.
- Morrison, Toni. "Tar Baby." F. New York, NY: Knopf, 1981. OCLC. 305. PS3 563. 08749T3 7.
- Myers, Walter Dean. "The Legend Of Tarik." M. MEG. New York, NY: Viking Press, 1981.
- Panger, Daniel. "The Sacred Sin." M. New York, NY: Pinnacle Books, 1981352
- Parks, Gordon. "Shannon." M. 1st ed. Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 1981. OCLC. 402. PS3566.A73 551981.
- Saunders, Charles R. "Imaro." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: DAW Books, 1981. OCLC. 208. 1st book in the author's IMARO series. Sequel: THE QUEST FOR CUSH.
P53569.A815 1532 1981.
- Saunders, Earl. "The Investigation." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1981. OCLC. 219 pbk.
- Taylor, Mildred. "Let the Circle Be Unbroken." F. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1981. OCLC. 443
- Wideman, John Edgar. "Damballah." M. New York, NY: Avon Books, 1981. OCLC. 205 pbk. P53573.126 D3 1981.
- "Hiding Place." M. MEG. New York, NY: Avon Hooks, 1981.
- Woods, Stuart. "Chiefs." M. MEG. New York, NY: Norton, 1981.
- Wylie, James. "The Sign Of Dawn." M. New York, NY: Viking Press, 1981. OCLC. 344. PS3573.V54 S5 1981.
- Assister, Earl. "The Ebony Image" M. Ashley. Port Washing, NY: Ashley Books, 1982
- Barnes, Stephen and Larry Nivens. "The Descent of Anansi." M. Yarborough. New York, NY: Tor Books, 1982.
- Dclany, Samuel R. "Neverybona, or, the Tale of Signs and Cities." M. 1st ed. New York: Bantam Books, 1982331
PS3554.E437 N4 l982p.
- Johnson, Charles R. "Oxherding Tale." M. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982 176. PS3560.03735 090 1982 813/54.
- Kincaid, Jamaica Jamaican living in NY. "Annie John." F. New York, NYY: Plume, American Library,
1982. OCLC. 148.
Jamaican writer living in NY.
PR9276.A583K5634 813.54.
- Lorde, Andre. "Zami, A New Spelling of My Name." F. 1st ed. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1982. OCLC. 256 pbk.
PS3562.075Z23 1982 813.54 19.
- Molloy, Tom. "The Green Light." M. Boston, MA: Charles River Books, 1982. OCLC. 205. PS3563.041807 1982 813.54 19.
- Myers, Walter Dean. "Won�t Know Till I Get There." M. MEG. New York, NY: Viking Pres, 1982.
- Naylor, Gloria. "The Women Of Brewster Place." F. New York, NY: Viking Press, 1982. OCLC. 192 P53564.A895W6 1982.
- Nazel, Joseph. "Devil Doll." Joe Nazel M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1982202 pbk.
- "Every Goodbye Ain't Gone." Joe Nazel M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1982223 pbk.
- Olden, Marc. "A Dangerous Glamour." M. New York, NY: Fawcett, 1982. OCLC. 394 pbk.
- ---. "Giri."M. New York, NY: Arbor House, 1982. OCLC. 299. PS3565.L29 G5 1982.
- Panger, Daniel. "Black Ulysees." M. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 1982. OCLC. 402 PS3566.A57 B5 1982 813.54.
- ---. "Search in Gomorrah."M. New York, NY: Dembner Books, 1982. OCLC. 243 PS3566.A57 S4 1982 813.54.
- ---. "You Can't Kill A Dead Man." M. New York, NY: Leisure Books, 1982. OCLC. 206.
- Reed, Ishmeal. "The Terrible Twos." M. New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1982. OCLC. 178 PS3568.E365 T4 1982.
- Shange, Ntozake. "Sassafras, Cypress & Indigo." F. 1st ed. New York: St. Martin's
- Press, 1982224. PS3569.H3324 S2 1982 813/54.
- Shockley, Ann Allen. "Say Jesus and Come To Me." F. MEG. New York, NY: Avon Hooks, 1982.
- Walker, Alice. "The Color Purple." F. New York, NY Washington Square Press, 1982. OCLC. 253 pbk.
- Ward, Frederick. "A Room Full Of Balloons." M. Plattsburg, NY: Tundra Books, 1982. OCLC. 154 PS3573.A733 R6 1981.
- Williams, John A. "Click Song." M. MEG. Boston, MA: Houghton Muffin, 1982.
- Yerby, Frank. "Western: A Saga of the Great Plains." M MEG New York, NY: Dial Ness, 1982.
- Andrews, Raymond. "Baby Sweets." M. New York, NY: Dial Press, 1983. OCLC. 212. P53551.N452 B3 1983.
- Barnes, Stephen. "Streetlethal." M. Yarborough. Berkley, Ace, 1983. in print.
- Bertrand, Yolande. "A Play For Love." F. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983 182.
- Elaine, Laurence. "Black Muscle." M. HH. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983.
- Brown, Cecil. "Days Without Weather." M. 1st ed. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1983249 ILL PHOTOCOPY.
P53552.R6853 D3 1983.
- Charters, Samuel Barclay. "Mr. Jabi And Mr. Smythe; A Novel." M. Boyers, 1983 190.
- DeCoy, Robert H. "Cold Black Preach." M. HE. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983.
- Dumas, Glenda. "The Rootworker." F. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983. OCLC. 253
- Everett, Percival. "Suder." M. New York, NY: Viking Press, 1983. OCLC. 171 P53555.V34S9 1983 1983 813.54 19.
- ---. "Walk Me To The Distance." M. New York, NY: Ticknor and Fields, 1983. OCLC. 209. PS 3555.V34W3 1985 813.54 19.
- Forrest, Leon. "Two Wings to Veil My Face." M. 1st ed. New York: Random House, 1983296.
PS3556.0738 T85 1983 813154.
- Gaines, Ernest J. "A Gethering Of Old Men." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Knopf, 1983. OCLC. 213. PS3557.A355G3 1983.
- Gilbert, Herman Cromwell. "The Negotiations." M. Chicago, Il: Path Press, 1983. OCLC. 381 PS3557.1342N4 1983.
- Guy, Rosa. "A Measure of Time." F. 1st ed. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1983365. PS3557.U93 M4 1983 813/54 19.
- Harris, Randolph. "Trickshot." M. HE. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983.
- Hawkins, Odie. "Chicago Hustle." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway, l983 pbk.
- ---. "Sweet Peter Deeder." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway, 1983.
- Heard, Nathan C. "House of Slammers." M. New York: Macmillan, 1983246.
PS3558.E25 H6 1983 813.54 19.
- Heath, Roy A. "Kwaku, Or the Man Who Could Not Keep His Mouth Shut." M. Bl. Scholar. New York, NY: Schocken Books, 1983.
- Jeffers, Lance. "Witherspoon." M. Atlanta, GA: The George A. Flippin Press, 1983. OCLC. 253 P53560.E37W57 1983.
- Lezan, Joyce. "Heartbeat." F. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983. OCLC. 176
- ---. "Lover's Holiday." F. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983. OCLC. 189
- ---. "Spring Embrace." F. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983. OCLC. 186 pbk.
- Marshall, Paule. "Praisesong for the Widow." F. New York, NY: Putnam's, 1983. OCLC. 256. PS3563.A7223P7 1983 813.54 19.
- McCluskey, John. "Mr. America's Last Season Blues." M. Baton Rogue, LA: LSU Press, 1983. Being and Race. 243
- Nazel, Joseph. "Satan's Master." Joe Nazel M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway, l983pbk.
- Norton, Kimberly. "Passion's Surrender." F. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983. OCLC. 188.
- ---. "Snowfire." F. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1983. OCLC. 192.
- Olden, Marc "Dai-Sho " M New York, NY: Arbor House, 1983 381 PS3565.L29D3 1983 813/5/4 19.
- Wideman, John Edgar. "Sent For You Yesterday." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Avon Books, 1983. OCLC.
- Winston, Betty. "The Africans." F. Wayne, PA: Banbury, 1983. OCLC. 488. PS3573.15335 A7 1983.
- Woods, Stuart. "Run Before the Wind." : Norton, 1983 337.
- Yerby, Frank. "Pride's Castle." M. Thorndike Press, 1983 657 Large print ed.
- Austin, Doris Jean. "After the Garden." New York: New American Library, 1987 324. PS3551.U815A38 1987 8131.54.
- Barnes, Stephen and Larry Niven et al. "The Legacy Of Heorot." M. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster,
1987. in print. 352
- Butler, Octavia. "Dawn." F. London, England: Gollancz, 1987. OCLC. 240 PS3552.U827 813.54 19.
- Cartier, Xam Wilson. "Be-Bop, Re-Bop." F. 1st ed. Dialog. New York, NY: Available Press, 1987. PS3553.A7843 B4 1987 813/.54.
- Childress, Alice. "Many Closets." : Coward, 1987.
- Cliff, Michelle. "No Telephone To Heaven." : Dutton, 1987.
- Cooper, California. "Some Soul to Keep." F. Yarborough. New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1987. ip.
- Delany, Samuel R. "The Bridge Of Desirc." M. New York, NY: Arbor Publishing House, 1987. OCLC. 310. PS3554.E437 B75 1987.
- ---. "The Straits Of Messina." M. HIP. Seattle, WA: Serconia Press, 1987.
- Fiore, Carmen Anthony. "Vendetta Mountain." F. Princeton, NJ: Townhouse Pub, 1987175 LC PS3556.157 V46 1987 / DDC 813/.54 19.
- Guy, Rosa. "And I Heard A Bird Sing." New York, NY: Delacortc Press, 1987 232 PZ7.G985 An 1987 Fic 19.
- Hawkins, Odie. "The Busting Out of An Ordinary Man (Sequal to Ghetto Skeches)." M. Los Angeles, CA:
Holloway House, 1987187.
- ---. "Scars and Memories." M. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1987 214
- Heath, Roy A. "Genetha."M. Schocken, 1987 176 hd/pbk.
- ---. "The Murderer." M. Schockcn, 1987 190 hd/pbk.
- ---. "One Generation." M. Schocken, 1987 176 hd/pbk.
- Johnson, and Sekora. "A Mississippi Family." HH. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1987.
- Major, Clarence. "Such Was The Season." M. San Francisc, CA: Mercury House, 1987. OCLC. 213 PS3565.A3958 1987 813.54 19.
- Mason, Clifford. "Jamacaica Run." lst ed. New York: St.Martin's Press, 1987359 PS3563.A7878 J3 1987.
- McMillan, Terry. "Mama." F. Essence. New York, NY: Houghton Muffin, 1987.
- Morrison, Toni. "Beloved: A Novel." F. Thorndike, Mc: Thorndike Press, 1987472. PS3563.O8749B4 1987 813.54.
- Nazel, Joseph. "Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers." M. HR. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1987.
- ---. "Street Wars " M HF! Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1987. in print.
- Olden, MArc "Om "M Corgi, 1987527 pbk.
- Payton, Georgia Williams. "A Memory To Swcct." F. Ward. New York, NY: American Liberty Pub. Co.,
- Reed, Ishmael. "Fox, R. E. Conscientious Sorserers." M. Greewood Press, 1987 1ib bdg.
- Sarden, Claudia. "The Memoirs of Dolly: A High School Graduate." F. 1st cd. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1987. OCLC. 252.
- Shaik, Fatima. "The Mayor of New Orleans: Just Talking Jazz." Bcrkley: Creative Arts Book Co., 1987143 PS3569.H316M39 1987 813/54.
- Widcman, John Edgar. "Reuben." M. 1st ed. New York, NY: Holt, Henry & Company, 1987. OCLC. 215 PS3573.126 R4 1987 813.54.
- Williams, John A. "Jacob's Ladder." M. New York: Thunder's Mouth, 1987245 PS3573.1526 J3 1987.
- Woods, Stuart. "Deep Lie." M. Avon, 1987 pbk.
- ---. "Under the Lake." M. Thorndikc Press, 1987 473
- Amos, W. J. "Borderline." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway House, 1988. OCLC. pbk.
- Barnes, Stephen. "Twecdlioop." M. BiP+. New York, NY: Tor Books, 1988. in print.
- Colter, Cyrus. "A Chocolat Soldier" M New York, NY: Thunder's Mouth Press, 1988 278
Ill Photocopy. PS3553.O477C5 1988 813/5/4.
- Ellis, Trey. "Platitudes." lst ed. New York: Vantage Books, 1988183 PS3555.LGL7 P57 1988 813/54.
- Fiorc, Carmen Anthony. "Little Oscar." F. Princeton NJ: Townhouse Pub., 1988202 pbk. LC P53556.157 L58 1988 / DDC 813/54 19.
- Haywood, Oar Anthony. "Fear Of the Dark." : Macmillan, 1988224.
8 13/. 54.
- Lincoln, Charles Eric. "The Avenue, Clayton City." M. 1st cd. New York, NY: William Morrow, 1988. OCLC. 288.
PS3562.1472A94 1988.
- Major, Clarence. "Painted Turtle: Woman With Guitar: A Novel." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1988159
PS3563.A39P33 1988 813.54.
- Naylor, Gloria. "Mama Day." New York: Ticknor & Fields, 1988311 PS3564.A895 M3 1988b.
- Panger, Daniel. "Soldier Boys." M. San Jose, CA: Resource Publications, 1988240 PS3566.A57 S64 1988 813.54.
- Wheatley, Ronald B. "A Song Of Africa." M. Port Washing, NY: Ashley Books, 1988. OCLC. PS3573.H412 S6 1988 813.54.
- Woods, Stuart. "White Cargo." M. S & 5, 1988.
- Young, Al. "Seduction By Light." M. New York: Delta Fiction, 1988338. P53575.0683 S4 1988 813/.54.
- Ansa-McElroy, Tina. "Baby Of the Family." New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989.
- Barnes, Stephen. "Dream Park II: The Barsoom Projeet." M. New York: Ace Books, 1989 pbk.
- Bunkley, Anita Richmond. "Emily, The Yellow Rose." Houston, Tex: Rinard Pub, 1989420.
- Butler, Octavia E. "Imago." F. New York, NY: Warner books, 1989 264. PS3552.U827 144 1989 813/.54 2 19.
- Chase-riboud, Barbara. "Echo of Lions." lst ed. New York: Marrow, 1989 381 PS3553.H336 E26 1987 813/54.
- Corbin, Steven. "No Easy Place To Be." : Simon & Schuster, 1989 448
- Delany, Samuel R. "Return to Neveryor."M. Grafton, 1989 352 pbk.
- ---. "The Star Pit."M. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 198982. PS3572.A724 T36 1989x.
- Dixon, Melvin. "Trouble the Water." lst ed. Boulder: University of Colorado, 1989 243
- Duplechan, Larry. "Tangled Up in Blue" A Novelist ed. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989264. PS3554.U55 T36 1989.
- Ferguson, Ira Lunan. "Which One Of You Is Interacial" (A Novelette Lunan Ferguson Library, 1989134.
PZ4.F3497 Wh PS 355G.E7 813/5/4.
- Frye, Charles. "The Peter Pan Chronicles." Charlottesville: University
- Golden, Marita. "Long Distance Life." New York: Doubleday, 1989.
- Hawkins, Odte "My Frtends." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway, 1989pbk.
- ---. "Secret Music." M. 1st ed. Los Angeles, CA: Holloway, 1989.
- Jones, Nettie. "Mischief Makers." F. 1st ed. New York: Weidenfield & Nicolson, 1989163 PS3560.O5235 M57 1989 813.54 19.
- Kenan, Randall. "A Visitation Of Spirits: A Novel." lst ed. New York, NY: Grove Press, 1989257. PS3561.E4228 VS 1989.
- Killens, John Oliver. "Great Black Russian: A Novel On The Life And Time Of Alexander Pushkin." M. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1989.
& Other Stories)."M. San Francisco:
Press of Virginia, 1989.
PS3561.137 074 813154 20.
- Niven, Larry & Barnes Steven. "The Barsoom Project."New York: Ace, 1989340.
- Payton, Georgia Williams. "A Memory to Sweet." F. press release. New York, NY: American Liberty Publishers, 1989.
- Phillips, Garyl. "High Ground." New York: Viking, 1989.
- Reed, Ishmael. "The Terrible Threes." M. New York: Atheneum, 1989180. PS3568.E365 T37 1989 813.54.
- Rogers, Gloree. "Love, or a Reasonable Facsimile." Carrboro, NC: Carolina Wren Press, 1989.
- Woods, Stuart. "Grass Roots." M. S & 5, 1989.
- Johnson, Charles Richard. "Middle Passage." M. New York, NY: Atheneum, 1990. PS3560.O3735 MS 1990.
- Major, Clarence. "Fun & Games." M. Holy Cow, 1990144.
- Mckay, Claude. "Harlem Glory." M. Chicago: C. H. Kerr, 1990.
- Mcknight, Reginald. "I Get On the Bus" A Novelist ed. Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 1990296. PS3563.C3833 118 1990 813154.
- Mosley, Walter. "Devil in a Blue Dress." lst ed. New York: Norton, 1990. P53563.088456 D48 1990 813154.