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Project HBW Blog

Richard Wright Revisited: A Collection of HBW Posts on Wright

Kenton Rambsy (HBW Staff Member)

"Richard Wright"The success of Richard Wright’s Native Son (1940) catapulted him to international success. Native Son has been credited as being one of the first most successful protest novels by in American literary history. The novel immediately became a best seller with over 250, 000 copies of the book sold with the first month of its release.


Beyond Native Son, Wright has an extensive body of work ranging from short stories, poetry, and essays. His autobiography Black Boy also joins the train of autobiographical works by black men (Consider Frederick
Douglass, Booker T. Washington, etc.) that seek to expose and to highlight the tense political, and racial negotiations black men have make when navigating the American social terrain.

For the HBW, Richard Wright has been a major focus. Two summers ago, the HBW hosted a NEH funded institute, “Making the Wright Connection,” where we pushed for more integration of Wright in secondary education. Also, for our literary blog, Wright has been the inspiration for many posts.

Below, I have provided a recap of significant posts on Richard Wright over the past year.

Tags: lists, Richard Wright

Richard Wright Revisited: A Collection of HBW Posts on Wright