Project HBW Blog

“The Global Vision of Richard Wright” – led by Amritjit Singh, Langston Hughes Professor of English at Ohio University

Please join us for a Virtual Seminar – “The Global Vision of Richard Wright” – led by Amritjit Singh, Langston Hughes Professor of English at Ohio University on Saturday, April 23 at 10:00 a.m. CST.


"Amirijit Singh"Abstract: Our conversation would include among other things the following possible topics:  (a) the speaker’s own engagement with Wright’s writings since the 1970s;  (b) Wright’s non-fictional writings from the 1950s – such as Pagan Spain, White Man, Listen, Black Power and Color Curtain – and how these relatively neglected works by the novelist anticipate the cross-cultural, postcolonialist, and Black Atlantic perspectives that have emerged since the 1980s; (c) how Wright extends and expands the interrogation of high modernism by Harlem Renaissance writers such as Claude McKay, Langston Hughes,  Zora Neale Hurston and Wallace Thurman by injecting issues of social injustice and political freedom to create new iterations of modernism; (d) how Wright may be taught in the classroom in conjunction with other American and ethnic American writers.

Please feel free to e-mail questions in advance for Professor Singh to the Wright Connection (   


To attend the virtual seminar:
 1) Go to
2)Select “Enter as a Guest.” 
3)Type your name in the box. 
4)Click on “Enter Room.” 
5)The virtual seminar “room” will open at the start time of the seminar.  If you try to enter before then, you will see a message that reads:  The meeting has not yet started.  You will be able to access the meeting once the host arrives.  Please wait.

All participants will need a Flash-based web browser and an Internet connection to access the virtual seminar.  Please feel free to e-mail Keah Cunningham ( with any technical questions or issues.

Additional information at


Maryemma Graham

Sarah Arbuthnot

Tags: Website, Wright Connection

“The Global Vision of Richard Wright” – led by Amritjit Singh, Langston Hughes Professor of English at Ohio University